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when I was a child I used to believe thats monster really existed because when I saw the horor movies and after the movies I was scared thats the monster come in my bed room . thats the reason why I spent a sleepless night in my childhood , I waited to go to the toilette all the night long
After watching the horror movie Humanoids From the Deep when I was 6, I thought they would come out of the nearby lake and come kill me. I was relieved when I remembered how long it took to drive to the lake and I figured it would take them a long time to walk to my house.
When I was about 5 or 6 years old, I spent a lot of time with my neighboors. One night when they had a babysitter, he told me that I had to hurry home, because my parents were kidnapped by monsters, and only I could save them. Of course I ran home, and I was terrified to go into the livingroom where my parents were sitting! It took me a long time to be with my neighboors again when the babysitter was there too!
My parents said that If i did not go to bed on time, the boogie man would come after me
I thought that there were monsters (Particularly Freddy Kruegar) hiding under any object that I would sit on just waiting to grab me. I stay still for hours fearing that if I moved they would kill me. When I couldn't stand sitting still any longer I would jump as fast and as far as I could off the couch or bed and run to where ever I could to feel safe.
When my brother was 8 years old, he saw a horror movie, with a man with red eyes that stole the mind of others and leaved their brains smooth.
From that moment, for the next 3-4 years, he couldn't sleep or stay at night with the light off.
I used to believe that Dracula would come and bite me in the night unless I had my duvet wrapped tightly round my neck all night - it made for some warm summers!
The lake at the end of my street had a water monster in it. My very old, very credible neighbor told me so.
My best friend in first grade told me all about the dragons in China, and i believed him up until the summer before middle school. I am so ashamed.
i used 2 belive if my rear wasent coverd by the blanket that a green monser with big sharp teeth would bite off my rear end
untill i was 10
When I was little, I believed that monsters came out when the lights are off and dissapeared when the light turned on. For about a year, I always opened the door a crack, then use a stick to turn on the light before going in!
there was this little gnome that lived in my house and he came out at night. he evn had a little door next to the front door. one time i came out of my room at night cuz i have insomnia an still do an i saw a shadow from the kitchen which looked like my cats but i saw my cats were in the living room with me and my room was next to the kitchen so i was afraid and couldnt go back to my room all night. 7 hours of waiting in fear sux so much, but i got patience!
at my groandmother's houre there was always this wicker chest type thing that sat in the living room. you could see into it, but not very well, so whatever was in there just looked like shadows. for the longest time i beleived that a devil type creature lived in there, until i was about 8 and my curiosity got the better of me and a opened it.
These are two that John D. MacDonald wrote about. One was the child that overheard his father talking about an obviously fearsome monster: the twi-night double-header.
The other was a child frightened of the Green Ripper. Her parents finally figured out that she'd mis-understood "grim reaper."
And me, I brought all my childhood beliefs into adulthood.
When I was like 3 or 4, I used to think that there were two skeletons under my bed. So when I went to bed every night, I would jump from 2 feet away from my bed onto my bed, because I thought they would pull me under my bed.
I used to believe that if you left the table while you are eating than the table monster would eat all your food.
In third grade, we watched an Aurther video and Aurther gets this book from the library about a haunted hand. It would float around at night and haunt the mansion.
After watching that, I was permanently scarred. I would hide under my covers for 3 YEARS afraid that if the green hand would see me, it would strangle me to death. One day I just got over it, but when I think about it it sometimes gives me the creepies.
That socks were monsters and lived under the bed.
I used to work in a nursery and all the kids loved this one book about a bear. Except one little girl called Laura who believed that whenever the book was read, the bear was actually coming. It took me a while to convince her that there were no bears in England.
My little brother couldn't sleep for awhile, and I asked him why and he said he was afraid of the "tutors coming out of the little holes in the wall"
My sister had a tutor for math that year...
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