i used to believe

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I was afraid to be alone in the house when it was dark. I believed that a human skeleton would appear out of nowhere and strangle me. (I thought the skeleton was the creepiest thing on earth) I had a skeleton costume for Halloween, and as long as I was wearing that, I was not afraid.

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when i was about six years old i thought a saw a "red eyed monster" behind the fridge. my mom had to move the fridge to prove to me that nothing was there.

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wen i was about 4 and my sister sophie was 6 we used 2 believe heavily in the boogeyman.
It used to be under our bed, in the pantry, and most especially out side in the bush.
So every time we went on the trampoline my sister would guard it with my dads golf club and vice versa.
i still believed this until my neighbours troy n brady came over and we camped the night in the bush.

haha we all had golf clubs :])

haz tha spaz (#[!]#)
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When I was a kid I thought the dementors from Harry Potter came into my room at exactly midnight every night. If I wasn't asleep by then with my covers covering my ears and nose, they'd suck up my soul. Don't ask me where that one came from...

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i used to believe that on halloween the pumpkins will fly and come get you and kill you

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my sister used to believe that the boogey man was under her bed.....and always got dressed in the living room.....o and i used to believe that when i flushed the toilet the candy man would fly out...o and when i was little i was afraid that freddy kruger would stick his blades through my back.

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i used to get sent to my room quite a lot for being bad.i used to not be able to open my bedroom door and i used to think that monsters would come and and take me away with them if the door was shut so i always cried and screamed and frantically tried opening my door just to be safe.how stupid?

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I used to believe that monsters come out at midnight and until today I'm more of a morning person

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I used to believe when i was five that when i flushed the toilet a monster would jump out and eat me

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I used to believe that there was a monster in the toilet, that would come out when I flushed it.

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When I was little I used to believe that when the nights begins, the monster in my closet revives.
Mum convinced me this was not true.

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Thanks to an episode of Cat Dog, i used to be afraid to sleep because i thought there was a walking pair of scissors that was going to kill me. Whenever i saw the scissor monster in the hallway, i would scream and wake up my parents

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I used to believe that the Wolf Man and Dracula and Frankenstein lived in the hills (aka the 'badlands') on the way to visit my relatives. I would get so scared driving through there - especially since it was usually late at night.
I guess I probably believed that because my older brother and sister told me that every time we drove through there.

Sodi Sea
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When I was little I believed that there was a monster in the hallway. So, when I crossed the hallway I would peek around both sides of the doorway and then run into the bathroom and slam the door.

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I had bad dreams about monsters coming up to my window and shriking at me, trying to get in. I was always looking out my window before bed just to make sure, and some times I was just trying to scare myself into thining the monsters were coming and that I should hide under my bed that way they'll noticed I'm not home and they'll go scare some one else.

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When I was 7 I saw a special on the Sasquatch. I still believe and nothing frightens me more. I refuse to watch tv specials about Sasquatch (Big Foot) anymore, they give me bad dreams. Just thinking about it now will give me bad dreams. I'm so glad I shared.

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I had a friend who told me that her family had seen a dinosaur in our local lake when they were out fishing one day. She claimed they had taken pictures but "hadn't gotten them developed yet." When I asked about the pictures sometimes later she said that they hadn't turned out. I still believed her for a long time though, even without the proof.

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I used to have a terrible fear of Bigfoot. I was convinced that he was 'just around the corner,' waiting for the perfect time to grab me. It was especially horrible on very windy days. The wind would whip around the house, howling very loudly and I just knew that it was Bigfoot letting me know that my time was up!
Once, while visiting someone's house, I hid in a closet. This house had huge, screened windows and I just knew that it would be so much easier for Bigfoot to reach in and take me away through those things...

...but I'm all better now. I think.

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When I was younger I was always afraid to go outside because I thought that zombies would come out of the ground and chase after me I also thought that the monster Frankinstien would chase after me too.

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I used to believe the boogyman lived downstairs and you couldn't enter the attic or he would eat you alive!

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