i used to believe

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I once had a dream that a huge orange monster, made from towel material, had chased me down the stairs at home and i shot him. For years after, i would run down the stairs with my hand pointing out behind me pretending it was a gun! I still get a weird feeling walking down the stairs now!

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when i was six, i had dreams about a monster named the treacherous "Pink Monster"!! I would wake up crying because I had dreams about a pink monster shaped like a hershey kiss with razor sharp teeth! i dreamed that i was in the shower, and the water turned pink! all of a sudden, the pink water turned formed a glob and started to chase me! every night, i would refuse to take my shower, and my parents had to force me to take them! Even now, i get freaked out when i see a hershey kiss shaped shadow on the wall outside my doorway!!

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I use to believe monsters lived in the heating duct vent in the older houses that was in the wall. when I would go to bed I would hide under the blakets and plead with them not to hurt me or my babies...dolls.. then when I would have to use the toilet, I would run very quickly and low and behold another vent. I would talk to it pleading for time and not to hurt my baby dolls I had hidden under the blankets. I was afraid to even let my feet out of the sheets and now to this day I can't sleep with the blankets on my feet or at least not having the blankets over the edge of the bed confining my feet.

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when i was little i stayed round my 2 cousins' house,
and it was 11:50 one night and we were all in the living room and me and my cousin were (play) fughting, when suddenly my aunt realized the time and to stop me and my cousin from fighting and to go to bed she told us that if we dont go to bed by 12 o clock, an evil pumpkin headed man will come and turn us into pumpkins and we will be aten the next day...
(we stayed up until 3 o clock and watched movies!


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i used to believe that if it was dark and i went down stairs i would have to run up the stairs or else the devil would get me.

Scardy cat
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I used to believe there were crocodiles under my bed. At night they would wake up and look for ankles to grab and drag under the bed. However, they didn't like to venture far from the safe cover of the bed. So if I got up at night to go to the bathroom I would stand on the bed and jump off. Then when I got back I would do a running jump to get back onto my bed.

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When I was about seven, I had a nightmare that the muppets were trying to pull me off the top bunk in order to make me a puppet. In the panic between dream and reality I felt something touching my foot I know now that it was probibly just my blankets but to this day, I sleep completely covered up year round (I am now 29)!

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when i was little i used to belive that trols would come to life at nite at eat u!!

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i used to believe if i closed my eyes the monster would not get me, and if i listened to the criminal/ monster guy he would not hurt or even kill me!

orlando fan
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When I was little, I believed that a mask I once saw at my grandpa's house would come and eat me at night. For years I slept under the covers.

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Ever since I can remember, up until around age 12 or so, I would go into my room at night, put on my PJ's, get into bed, reach over and turn the light off and then REALLY QUICKLY put my whole body under the covers. I'd lay there for hours just making sure no body parts were "exposed" for the two terrible monsters at the foot of the bed, just waiting for a chance to get me. Somehow that blanket saved me...lol. Even wierder was that, if I ever accidentally exposed my foot or arm or anything, or came up for air after nearly suffocating, I'd always say "oh, it's ok, they went to McDonald's." LMAO! Why McDonald's, I don't know.

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I used to believe that the popping and thumping sounds of the heat-pipes expanding was little fire-demons climbing up the pipes! I used to put heavy objects over the heat registers to keep the monsters from getting out!

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I used to think that the vacuum cleaner was a monster and that it was going to suck me up if i got too close. Everytime i saw it, i would scream and try attacking it with a baseball bat but i would run away after that!

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When I was a child, my best friend at the time convinced me that if I weren't a Catholic when I died, I'd come back as a fiery monster and kill everyone I loved. This _really_ upset me, crying and everything... but it didn't convert me, thankfully.

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When I was about 5 or 6, I used to belive that the Borg out of Star Trek were coming to get me, but Captain Picard would always save me from them. One night though, I was sick and I saw the episode where they assimilate Captain Picard, and in my bed that night the turned me into a Borg because the Captain was gone!

(I got saved the next day by Data)

My cat has loads of dandruff
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i used 2 belive that in my washer and dryer romm that there was a demon thingy that wuld come out of the hole in the floor

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When i was 7 i wanted to go play out side in the dark, my sister told me can not go out at night because the powerrangers dance and will eat you if they see you. I was scared of the night all threw elementary.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that the boogey man tied my hair in knots at night...

Now I realize that I'm just crazy.

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I used to believe that their was a gorilla that lived outside my window. I couldn't sleep facing the window because he would bite my face off, and I couldn't turn my back towards the window because it would make the gorilla angry. I slept on my back for about 3 years before I finally came up with the theory that the gorilla now sat outside my brother's room. ;)

Dramatic Meg
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I used to believe my little cousin (by one year) was evil because when our uncle took a photo of all of us, he was the only one with red eyes (other than gramma, but we all know she's evil anyway!)

sorry, gramma! :D

Rennie-woo (the cousin-and-gramma-is-evil-buster!)
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