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Craziest thing ever! One time when I was just beginning to read I had gotten a nice big book on wolves. I read it cover to cover, including one little sentence mentioning werewolves. I was terrified. So one night I had fallen asleep in my brother's room and I woke up some time later, having to use the bathroom. So I go out the door and turn to go into the bathroom, but I notice the TV was on, and then a second later it clicked off, causing total darkness. I grabbed my dog and dragged him with me into the bathroom and slammed the door and threw myself against it. The werewolves were watching TV and now they knew there were people to get in the house!!!
I whispered a plan to my poor border collie who needless to say wasn't happy, and gathering all my courage flung open the door and rushed down the hall to my parent's open door. But then I stopped~ My dad worked nights and for the past few nights I had been waking him (at about 5 when he returned home) and he told me never to do it again, but he was in my way of the safety of my parent's bed! He was sleeping on the side nearest to the door and taking a massive leap I attempted to jump clear over him and wake my mom.

It didn't work.
My legs landed on him....very hardly.
He wasn't happy. And to make things worse, I had somewhat dragged my dog on top of him too.

The werewolves?? It turned out it was my brother and he was trying to scare me into thinking he was a burglar....

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My grandma told me that if I was being mean or if I didn't listen to her a skinwalker(a navajo evil wizard)would come up and get me. I was so freaked out by this little bit of news.

Lassie Pumba
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across the street from my house there was a church.when it got dark something in the church made a shadow on the window that looked like E.T.
I used to think Et was watching me

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When I was younger, I used to tell my little sister(8 years younger than me)that the boogy-man was going to get her if she didn't do what I told her to do, it worked for as long as I can remember.

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When I was 6 years old a fellow student told me that Gremlins were haunting me and the only way to get them to stop was to go to Jupiter and complete a deadly maze. Somehow I figured myself that if i was near my stuffed cat "Tiger" I would be safe. This went on for about 6 months but gradually i became less and less scared.

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I used to believe that in the forest behind our house there were werewolves. One time me and my best friend went out to the woods (to convince me there were no werewolves), we got 1/4 into the woods, heard a noise to our left, saw a shadow where the noise was! we ran home.
I told my parents what happened. They said it probably was a werewolf. I never went back into the woods. Before we moved,they told me they made up that werewolf stuff just to keep me from the woods because there was something in those woods. Scary Part: they told me that what we saw and heard was probably a murderer hiding in the woods because they saw a man just outside of the woods wanted for murdering.

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When I was a little girl my brothers, sister's, and I were the renedition of "Babe's Kids". We were so bad that my mom had to make up this character called the Boogey Man. Everytime we did something wrong she would would show us a picture of the decil and call him the Boogey Man. One day I guess we all pushed her buttons a little too far at the mall and she sped all of us that weren't old enough to live at out in the world and packed our bags. She then knocked 5 times on our bedroom floor and told us to wait there for the Boogey Man to come and get us. She left the room and went to sleep in her bed. We cried for like ever then we came up with the plan. We took shifts all night so that when one of us saw the Boogey Man that one would wake the rest of us up and we would all beat him up. Since he never cam we all believed that he had heard about "Monique's Kids" and backed down....

Monique's kid # 6 out of 10
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when i was at my grandpas ( i was about 5) i saw a furry gray thing twitching in the window.'' grandpa there's a monster in the window!'' i screamed. '' thats a squirells tail'' he said.

wacko zacho
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i used to believe that a bald man would come down the stairs of my house from the top to the bottom and he would kill me if i wasn't around my mom all the time

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I read the pendragon book series so many times that I thought travellers and flumes and territories existed. I was convinced that we were battling for the salvation of earth and whatnot.

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When i was very little, I would go to my parent's room if I had a nightmare.I thought that at one window, an alien would be looking inside,in another a T-rex would be looking inside, and in the last one on the way, a robber would be looking inside.

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When we were little, my mom and dad took us to see Jurassic Park. On night when I snuck out of bed, I happened to look out the window, and right across the pool I saw a Tyrannasaurus Rex!!! So from then I was determined that there was a Rex in our yard, and that it would chow me if I left my curtain open. Only later did I discover that the "Rex" was a silouette of a tree against the sky... that tree really gave me a start, and it all began with Jurassic Park!

Bronagh Lee
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When i was about 9, my nabors used to tell me there was a Fox that would come out at night and eat me. It would scare me so much that i wouldn't try to go play outside with them at night.
They had peace for a while.. BUT NOT ANYMORE

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when i was younger i used to believe that monsters got their power from the darkness, so that's why they lived in dark places like wardrobes, under the bed, in attics, in garages, in cuboards and basements. and i was so terrierfied of going to places like that on my own that i armed myself with my toy sword. and turned on the light because i believed monsters hated light because it weakened them and if they didn't get out the way fast enough it killed them. but even though now i know they don't exist, i'm still a bit scard of the dark.

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there were these tiny little armys of guys who lined up in single file and marched from the "evil side" of my bed around past me then turned and went back again. Sometimes if i was awake when they came by they would kill me, sometimes if i was asleep when they came by they would kill me. I used to be up all night incase they went by on one of the kill me if im asleep ones. When it was the kill me if im awake ones i would just desperatly pretend to be asleep for a minuite until they were gone.

i was stressed

freaked out
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My dad started letting me watch MTV cartoons like The Max, when I was really little. One time I asked him if the little black, alien dudes with viscous teeth were real. He told me yes, and that they terrorize little kids at night if their out after dark. Ever since that day, when I hear loud music at night, I imagine them crammed into the cars, biting the heads of chickens and freaking people out like on the cartoon.

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when i was young my best friend and neighbour's mom use to babysit me. They were portugese and I was Canadian. We ate typical Canadian food such as meat and potatoes. My friends family ate food I never saw before. The fish still had eyes in it. One day I was there and opened the fridge and to my surprise I found monsters there. They had big claws and were moving around. I went screaming and running saying there is monsters in the fridge. I discovered later it was to be dinner. Live crabs.

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When I was 6, I fell into a water well, and as I was sinking I "saw" king kong pulling me down. Of course now I know it wasn´t king kong, but "somenthing" was definetely pulling.

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when i was 5 i believed that at night a gorilla monster out to get me !

brab9iner n
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When I was 6 I thought there was a hunter and his bloodhound and they would always try to kill me and put my head on a wall as a trophy. I would always hide under the covers at night when I was sure they were coming. And then one night, I pulled off his jacket, and they turned out to be a bunch of baby chickens stacked on each other's backs who just came to give me candy.

Shirley B.
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