i used to believe

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When i was lil and for my brother as well, my parents would tell us if we didnt go to sleep that cuco would come get us. Now cuco was suppose to be a big scary monster that ate lil kids. Now me being a frady cat always listened but my brother he never did so one night my father dressed up as cuco. Well he did scary someone but not my brother. in fact he was craking up. me on the other hand........

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My cousin used to believe that my dad was a monster because she didn't see him often.

Shirley B.
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When i was younger, like 5 or 4, i thought that when i would see a scary movie or somen like tha, the "monsters" would come to get me because i watched them at work. when turned 12 i realized that, "why would they come after me when they don't know where i am?" some things still scary the hell me! but i just keep thinking about that saying....

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When I was really young my brother was really into Goosebumps books. I would always look at the covers and the only one that creeped me out was the one with the dummy used but a vantrillaquist. I never wanted to be alone, thinking it was right behind me getting ready to scare the death out of me, so i would always turn around just to be safe.

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i used to believe there was a boogieman in my grandfathers basment wenever i went down i would be so scared and run up right away

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When I was little, my sister and my two cousins were waiting for our parents outside a dressing room and I guess my older sister and older cousin wanted to have the couch to theirselves so they told us that there was a monster that lives under the cushion and that they would protect us by sitting on it. lol.

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When i was young, i used to have a reacuring dream of the grim reaper epearing in my corridor. SO every time i wanted to go through the corridor, i would sprint as fast as i could. The weird thing is that i had nerver seen the grim reaper anywhere apart from my dreams. freaky dont u think?

Am i dead?
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I used to believe there were two spirits in front of my window (I live in a really high penthouse) commenting on my day: if I did something good, they were happy, if not... :)
I also was scared about snakes getting on my bed from somewhere, maybe a hole in the wall or something. And I was affraid of something attacking me if I didn't cover myself good with the covers... :

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I used to believe that sharks or alligators would come out of the vent in swimming pools. I would rarely go to the deep end and if I did, I would always check to see if something was coming out of the vent.

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When I was younger, I use to believe that if I didn't cover up my feet when I was going to bed something bad would happen to me in the middle of the night. Age 7 + horror movies, don't mix.

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when i was about 6 i used to get really scared when i was for example i was taking my T-Shirt off. For the split second that the T-shirt was over my eyes and i couldnt see i used to think i'd get grabbed by by those bicycle legged things from "Return to OZ".

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There was some sort of chicken-monster on that Ghostbusters cartoon, and I thought it lived behind my garage and would eat me if I went out back in the dark.

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When I was younger, my grandmother use to tell me that I needed to come in before it got dark. Otherwise, the boogeyman would get me. There was a field behind her house and I use to imagine dark shadows racing toward me when it started to get dark to take me away and never be seen again.

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When i was a little girl,my brother had a black,plastic turtle that i was scared of.He did`nt like me to play with it,so he said that if i lost it on the floor,he would grow up,get alive and eat me.I belived that for a long time....

Kristin Norway
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My parents have two ventriloquist dolls, Charlie Mc Carthy and Howdy Doody, which they keep in their guest bedroom. One of my favorite shows used to be the "Twilight Zone". Now whenever I visit my parents house for the weekend, I have to take those dolls out of the guest room before I will sleep in there. I keep thinking that the dolls will start talking on their own or something weird like that. My son won't sleep in there with them either.

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When I was little I had a few video's I used to love and one day my brother was so sick of them he broke one and left one on the radiator so the tape went all brown and crusy. When i found out I was really upset, and even more so when my brother told me that it was the boogie monster that did it, as his way of marking me so he could come back later and get me!

Willow Fox
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I went downstairs one night, when my dad was asleep on the couch, and there was a furry stuffed animal, peach colored, next to his hand. I believed that he turned into a werewolf at night.

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Thanks to my dads devil lock i used to believe that the boogi man was green was covered completely in tatoos and had a devils lock. He killed you by whipping his devils lock at your neck and chokes you to death

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ever since my cousin scared on halloween when i was little,i thought monsters and killers like jason or micheal was out there but when i was real little it was the grim reaper.

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As one of the most common fears between children is the dark, I used to believe that while i was sleepin these sort of shadow monsters would come out of every dark corner and shadowy area to come into my dream and steal my good thoughts. So I used to lay staring into the darkness refusing to go to sleep. I also remember that at one point i started sleeping with the lamp on so it would brighten the room up but the corners were still dark so i used to go and steal my mum and dads torches and put them in evry corner! This way i new i was safe And fell fast asleep!

Polly Dolly
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