i used to believe

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I used ot blieve that dracula would come and get me wen i turnt the landing light off. So i used to run to the stairs feelin scared yet as if someones watching me and i used to jump down the last couple of stairs and run to my mum acting as if nothing had happened!

polly dolly
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The world was full of unexplained perils. There was a blue cow that lived behind the glass shower door. Dad said so. Cedric and Jessica were the invisible ghosts who opened and closed the back door on a windy day. They were good ghosts, but mischievous. The worst, however, were the nightmares. I remember waking up screaming (and my parents remember it too) after dreaming about the Bull-dort, a horrible giant warthog with killer tusks. He rapaged throught the dark forests of my mind.

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When I was younger I used to believe that if you hid under the sheets you were same from the monsters, they couldn't get you!

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This one isn't about me, it's about my brother. When he was about 8 or 9 his mom told him that if he didn't sleep with his hands and feet under the covers (he had a bad habit of throwing off the covers) they would be eaten by the boogy man.

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I used to think that there were these wierd black imp things living in our house. I used to think they were evil and did bad things. When someone did something bad i thought that an imp had possesed them and made them do it. Then when I turned 9 and started playing UT 2003, I pretented that i would shoot them with guns and that was the only way to kill them. I also thought that the can of whoop-ass was a huge bomb and would kill all the imps. From then on I searched endlessly for the can of whoop-ass. Then I got my hands on a can of beans without a wrapper. I opened the can and ate it all. Then i pretented I had Godly powers and could kill the imps by poking them.

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THis is a story my mate Tracy told me: When she was little and wouldn't eat up or tidy her room, her older brother would tell her that the GIBLETS would come after her if she didnt do as told. It took many years before she realised that GIBLETS were the insides of Poultry.She thought they were huge monsters!! Bless

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I use to believe that dinosaurs were real because of Barney

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When I was little I hated scary movies and never would watch because I saw part of pet semitery and it made me believe for the longest time that there was dead people under my house and was gonna come to life and get me while i was sleeping

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when i was little and the the light bulb in my room burned out and my mom couldnt get me a new one, i was always soooooo scared that there was a monster or a ghost in my room so i always RAN to my bed before the monsters would get me.and one night i had thought that someone opened my closet door while i was sleeping so i was terrified!

sareena ordaz
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My belief as a child was that when the lights went off mummies would come in my room.. coz I actually used to see them haha

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I used to believe that when I slept alone in my bed, bicho-papćo (boogeyman) would pull my foot.

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I used to think if you didn't use a blanket when you went to sleep monsters would get you.

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As a child I was afraid of the dark and when turned off the light run away in fear of something grab me :v

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My mom told me that if i didn't brush my teeth, the toothbrush monster would sneak into my room and eat me. I started brushing my teeth a lot more after that.

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I used to think there was a wolf under my bed, and that if i went under my bed, the wolf would eat me

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When I was a child I used to believe that a zombie invasion could happen, I also used to believe that things were given for granted, I used to believe that I could be a great archaeologist like Indiana Jones but now I know is not like that, I remember that I used to believe in the tooth fairy or as I used to call him "el raton Perez" and for last but not least I used to believe that life was real!

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I used to believe that hallowen costumes were real monsters and not costumes and that's why I didn't like going out too much at night on Halloween, other things that I believe was that If I stayed awake at Christmas, Santa Claus would leave me nothing because I was going to see him.

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I grew up with my Aunts and Uncles, the two youngest were my age, when I was very young they told me the boogie man lived in the alley, at night of course, when I turned 8 years old, It was my turn to throw the trash, so I learned Karate, the Boogie man never can out to play...

Michael, Lubbock
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Aunt Abi used to feed me dinner with stories of rosemary.. 20 years back, rosemary lived on the rose colored clouds found during summer evenings and she waited to snatch and take me into the clouds..

Ever since, I have avoided venturing out late in the evenings.

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I used to be a spoiled brat and i used to cry a lot.
so my aunt told me that if i kept cryin a beast would break thru the window and bet me!!!

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