i used to believe

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my mom used to tell me thatif i was bad the boogie monster would come and "gobble" me up, so i acted preety good bud one night i got in trouble and my mom was telling me how i was acting bad, of corse she forgot, but i didnt, so i went into the kitchen and made a boogie man repelent using the things used to clean booger, boogers, kinda matched boogie, and put it in a bottle, i sleped with it for a week

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My sister was really mean a long time ago (Now she's not)but she did a lot of mean stuff to us and one of them was that she told us that there were power rangers in a clostet so me and my brother were really scared

weird kid
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When i was about 8 i had just played a video game that happened to have a freightening monster in it. As i was about to go to bed i was scared so i ran in the darkness to the garage and grabbed a baseball bat. On my way back to the bedroom i swung at everything i saw. The Next Morning i was the first one up so i went to watch tv down stairs and to my beliefe the house was a wreck. Later i realized that i did the damage.

g money
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I used to believe that count dracula would come and kill me so i hid under the covers

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I believed (mostly in dreams) that strange
looking clouds would descend at night and turn into dragons.

Robert W. Vissage (America's Favorite Unknown Poet)
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I used to believe that there was an evil giant lamb living in my mom's office called The Hunk. I thought that it would come and get me while I was asleep, so I just lied awake all night.

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when iwas about 4 years old my dad read a book to me about a slug-type monster who eats off your toes if you hang your feet over the side of your bed.. well i completely beleived it until i was like 6 or 7.

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When I was a little girl, I convinced myself that if the only part of my body sticking out in bed was my face, then a monster would not be interested in eating me. I spent many nights wrapped up in the sheets, w/only my face sticking out.

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I used to believe that every night a monster would come right outside my window to either kill me or take me to this dark scary world if i remained awake or if he could see my face. So i made sure that I was sleeping and if I couldnt get sleep I'd hide under the covers till I did not fall asleep!

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When I was 5, I was convinced that Frankenstein lived in my bathroom. I would watch my door until I drifted to sleep, just knowing that moment I shut my eyes, he would appear and flush me down the toilet to his sewer home.

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Did you ever read the Goosebumps books? What about the one with the man who was really a plant? Well when I was little I actually believed that my parents and all adults were really evil plants out to murder me. I think it took me about 6 months to get over it. I never read another Goosebumps book after that!

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when i was 5 years old i used to believe that in the night, on the floor of my bedroom, there were a lot of monsters and the only way to avoid them was to put under the covers, included the face.

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When I was a child I used to believe that when it rains green goblins come out to give you a pot of gold since they were on each side of the rainbow and if you reached the end, the rainbow would give you the pot of gold.

Angelica VElastegui
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WHEN I WAS SMALL, I THOUGHT THAT WHEN A PLANE PASSES, it would come to bring us gifts and throw us from the sky that were my beliefs when I was little

Tintin may appear in secluded places. My mom told me to play with marbles after 6pm, Tintin will come to take you. It's a belief that I grew up with from my mother.

Guido Xavier Santos
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When I was a child, I used to believe Chucky was real but I now know that it is fake.

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When I was younger, I used to believe there was a monster in my room.

I was like 4 or 5 and I watched "Monster, Inc", this film mad me dream a lot about angry, funny and cool monsters.

The funny thing is that I was not afraid of monsters, I used to want to see and meet them a lot.

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When I was a little boy, I use to believe that when we slept too much, mouses were going to tickle our feet because every week-ends, I have a strang feeling on my foot.
So every night I was wearing old socks to have a crazy smell on feet and this technic worked.
But a morning, my mum saw and smelled it. She shouted at me and I tryed to explain her. She laughed and saw that was only by my foult because my feet were out of the sheets and it was only the night's cold. It was a silly and funny moment.

tcmt to
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I used to think that when the light was off, I had to run and one monster would devour-me.

Clara Santana
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I used to have nightmares about the factory up the road from our house that had those metal vents on the roof that swivel round in the wind - they were shaped like the grim reapers hood and white spooky things would come out of them.

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When I was about 6 I went into a Doctor Who' exhibition on my own - I was so scared that the monsters were going to get me that I went around it in about 90 seconds flat. The proprietor of the exhibition noticed this and asked someone just entering the museum to go round with me...

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