i used to believe

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When I was 10, I saw Alien. Then Aliens. I then checked behind the shower curtain for a few years to make sure a Facehugger wasn't there waiting for me to use the toilet. :|

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After watching too many scary films, including the Amityville ones, I had to sleep with the covers over my head in case I heard any demonic voices or saw any red eyes in the dark. I still do that sometimes, although only so my ears are covered now.

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i used ta think dey were lil monstaz unda muh bed nd dey wuld make ma dreem nd one nite a monsta wuld cum out nd eat muh alive!

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When I was little, my father told me that every night there was this "sand man" that put sand in your eyes to get you sleepy. For years I really thought he came every night, specially because my eyes would actually feel as if they had sand...

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I used to think that foxes would come and eat me in my sleep because my older cousin told me that they would. The only way to survive the night was to cover my body up to my neck with my blanket. I still get a little freaked if I wake up and my neck is showing!

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I used to believe that there was a birdman that lived in a dumpster in the field across from my old home because my sister told it to me so I wouldn't follow her and her friends when they'd go out to the field to smoke.

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when i was a child, i used to i believe that there was a monster a the window of the bathroom room looking at me

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When i was younger, i used to think the dragon's existed

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When I was a child, I used to think that clouds were cotton candy.

When I was a child I used to believe that when I behaved badly they would give me the rag- and-bone-man

student T. G
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Hello,I used to be a little girl who frigthened of ghost and i didn't liked staying alone in my house.
But one day, i used to be alone and i heard a big noise in the background . So i ran in my room and i hid during 3hours. I used to very be scrared? I used to believe i would die because of ghosts !
I heard claws touch my door but one minute after, i heard a "miaouw". i was so confused,
it's was my cat !!! In this moment, i understood that ghosts didn't exist but cats existed !

Stronger cats
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I believe in yetie and a mexian monster called cupyacabras

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When I was little, my mom and dad's door (which you could see if you looked out my bedroom door) had some strangley shaped dark spots on them that were naturally in the wood. Well, every night when I was trying to sleep I would see the dark spots which to me and my sister looked like little dark spots.

Can't belive this scared me!
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(my brother told me)i used to beleve that if you jump on hay stacks you would get eatin by the humen eating monster so a was realy scared and they told me that they had a freind that got eatind by the monster

missing meggie
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I used to belive on halloween night that Micheal Myres would kill me when I came to 109 Elm St. I belived this becuz when my friend was holloweenin she died at 109 Elm St. After she passed out Micheal Myres came walking down the street with a knife in his hand(it was real).

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Anyone heard the Carpet Monster!! me and my sister, living apart at the time, have both heard it, it started when i was a child, when your in bed at night and its really quiet the Carpet Monster starts its way from the downstairs to the top, its a slight shuffling sound you can hear at first but the more you listen the louder it gets unitl its nearly in your room then you frantically switch on the light....i never did let it get too close but to this day it still exists!! You Listen.

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I used to believe that anywhere i was, someone was there with me, I used be horrified about it

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When I was a child, I used to believe that if I weren't a good girl, the mummy would take me with her.

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This is my SISTERS belief but she used to thing that cougars are ghost cats and that grocery get their stock via owl. . . I think someone dropped her when she was an infant :)

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When I was little my dad used to tell me that there was a short little man with white hair and who liked to eat children and hamsters (I had a pet hamster at the time) that lived in the woods surrounding our house. Every night I would get so scared that he would pop up underneath my window (which was on the first floor) and try and eat me! When we moved I still kind of believed that he lived in our attic.

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when I was a kid I used to believe that we are little people and we live in a giant's playroom. Also they used toothpaste as a glue to build our houses.

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