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when my brother was little, he used to think their were monsters in his room, so one day, i took an old hair spray bottle, filled it with water, and wrote "anti-monster spray" in big letters on the side i sprayed it around his room, and the next day, he told me it really worked and he slept fine.

i don't know why i did something nice that time for my little bro, we usually fought all the time. the reason he couldn't go to sleep in the first place was probably because of the spooky shapes i drew on his bedroom door with leftover glow-in-the-dark halloween makeup...

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I used to beleve that the Boogyman was some guy running around in a racoon suit!

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during a discussion with a 19 year old friend, it emerged that she (still) thought that mermaids were real and sea horses were myths...
...this same friend also accidentally revealed that she thought the moon and the sun were the same "planet". she was a very quiet person and i think i know why now!

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Much Thanks to my kind, loving, uncle:
In the area of my uncles house where the furnace is, there is a little closet door so you cant see the ugly furnace. He says that in that room are the "Furnace People" they are kind of like zombies that live in the furnace. They loved the people who lived in that house and thats it. So any guests would be ripped to pieces. Like, his wifes sister, i called her AUNT michelle anyway, lived with them for a while. When she moved out, he said that the furnace people got her.

He also said that his neighbor's house had "crawlspace people" and at night you could see the two breeds of zombies fighting eachother. they would take pieces of the furnace and the people from the crawlspace would fight with gardening tools. He also said that the crawlspace people were much eviler and that if you didnt sever their heads, they could multiply. so, if you chopped off their arm, they would grow a new one and the arm would grow a new body.

so i always hoped that the furnace people were good at killing the crawlspace people. damn, i was stupid.

Furnace Hater
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I used to believe that monsters lived under my bed.
When I complained about them, my babysitter would take a spray bottle labeled 'monster spray' and 'spray' away the monsters.
After a while, I grew sorry for the monsters and tried to apologize to them. I slept under my bed for weeks, waiting for them to come back.

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When I was four I became scared of robots and thought they wanted to freeze me. It's not true though, they really only want to rule the world instead.

Marvin J Sparks
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When I was a little girl I loved ham sandwiches. My Mama would buy "DAK" brand ham and it had a little picture of a viking on the package. I thought that he was the devil (what with the horns and all) and I was always scared that when we planted flowers in the garden that I might see one of those tips of his horns showing up through the dirt. I was worried that he'd be released from hell and it would all be my fault!

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When I was very young, I went on a vacation with my parents. There was a button in the hotel room, apparently to request room service.
My parents, in an attempt to prevent me from pressing the button, told me that it was a "Goblin Button"- and that if you should press it, the goblins will come.
To this day, I can remember staying awake throughout night, still as can be, just staring at the button! I was scared to death, truly believing that the goblins would storm the place, just with the touch of the button (which happened to be next to the bed! Ugh!). I was afraid of somehow rolling over in my sleep and accidentally pressing it.

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When I was little and it was time for bed, my parents would say the poem of "Wee Willie Winkie," but this just made me scared to death that there was a little man outside my window every night just waiting for me to go to bed and my bedroom being on the second floor meant he could fly. For years I thought he was outside my window watching me while I slept, and I would curl up in a ball and sleep as close to the wall as possible so he wouldn't know I was in there and he'd go away. To this day I have issues walking past open windows at night.

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I used to think a troll lived on my building's top floor/attic. One time, my neighbor came to my mom crying, all cut up and bruised and I thought the troll got her.

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i used to (and still) believe that when i started to walk up the stairs something would follow me and grab my foot so i run up really fast

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I used to believe there were such a thing as 'tree dragons' that lived in the woods. The dragons took the form of the branches and plants. Their eyes were invisible, but they were wise and old and watched humans to see if they were good or bad.

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When I was young, monsters ruled the night. There were, however, some rules.

1) They could not get you if you were completely under the covers (really tough without A/C on hot nights).

2) Monsters could not get you when you were in the bathroom, so the first dangerous part was getting there. You had to sneak there so they couldn't hear you. If mom or dad heard me on the way, I'd run back to my room and hide under the covers, because my cover was blown.

3) After going to the bathroom, the monsters could hear you flush and would rush to try and catch you. Thus, each time I flushed, I ran back to my room as fast as possible (where I put my head under the covers). I always believed I had to be in bed before the toilet made its final gurgling "glug-glug", or I would be monster food. [This wouldn't be possible today with some of the newer, pressure-assist toilets that clear fast.]

As I got older, the changed a bit. After all, monsters got hot, too--especially with all that fur and those scales, so I figured I'd be safe it at least my ankles stayed under the covers.

To this day, even on the hottest nights, I still like to have my ankles under the covers.

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i had a bunch of SMURFs stuff when i was little, even my bedspread was SMURFs. then along came the story that SMURFs came to live and stole lil kids away from their parents! (imagine my terror having them all over my bedspread!) anyways, one morning i woke up and didnt find my mom but i did find all my SMURFs toys grouped together at the end of the hallway. i ran screaming into my sister's rooming telling her that the SMURFs had taken mom!

it turns out she had gone to the market while we slept. teehee..

la china
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I used to believe that my house had gremlins. I had a friend spend the night one night and we went gremlins hunting. We thought we had found one,but, it was the cat!

Gremlin Girl!
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i used to believe that there was a little animal named the Squat, who lived in our house, and i used to hunt him with my dad every day. He would change colors, and sometimes have fur. My dad finally got tired of this game, so one day he pretended to find him, and wrestle him to the ground.It ended after that.

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I used to think that a family of evil bears lived in my grandparent's attic.

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I Used to Believe Faulkner Was a Monster

When I was a kid, we used to go to my maternal grandmother’s house for Christmas and Easter. I had one Christian and (still have) one Jewish grandma, so we divided up the holidays. Somehow Thanksgiving became a Jewish holiday, but that’s another story. Anyway, my sister and I always stayed in a room that used to belong to two of my aunts when they were kids. At the head of each bed is a kind of long alcove-shelf in the wall, lined with books from when the aunts were in high school and college. The most prominent book on my shelf, because of the design of the spine (“Design of the Spine” sounds like a terrible mystery novel doesn’t it?) was a paperback Faulkner anthology. It was pea green, with FAULKNER written in what looked like salmon-colored streaks of blood. In fact the font was almost identical to that of Helter Skelter, the book about the Manson Family that grandma had in the den.

As a kid, I assumed that FAULKNER was a monster, like FRANKENSTEIN(‘s monster) or DRACULA. Sometimes, before going to sleep, I had to turn the FAULKNER book around backwards, so the scary name faced the wall.

Ironically, I fanatically love Faulkner now. He’s definitely not warm and cuddly, but he won’t come after you with an axe, either.

Jason Gots, Brooklyn
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When I was around 4-12 I beleived there were monsters ion my room at night. We had a sponge paint job on my walls, and i could swear that some of the random sponge designs were evil faces, one i remeber was like a half woman half werewolf. Also, I beleived there were wicked ants and dwarves under my bed. If any body part hung over my bed the dwarf would slice that body part off with an axe and feed it to the ants and they would carry away the body part. Also, I'd beleive if I moved at all in my bed or made a sound whatsoever wolves would pounce up and eat me. And the sound of my own heart in my ear on the pillow made me think that someone...an axe murderer for some reason was coming up the stairs and those were his footsteps... Yeah... I was a frightened kid and screamed alot at night. The only thing that turned it around was when I was 12 I talked to some native american woman and she told me that the wolves I was so afraid of were really there to protect me and guard me as my spirit friends... so another funny beleif, but i was no longer afraid at night after that, though I still don't sleep with any part of my body over the bed...

Overractive Imagination
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When I was little I used to think [like most kids] there were monsters under beds. Because of this whenever I went to bed or my parents room I would get all my stuffed animals and set them around the bottom of the bed as some sort of barrier against monsters.

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