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My mother didn't want me going outside at night by myself so she told me there were vampires lurking in the darkness outside, and that little kids who go out at night alone would get 'captured' by the vampires, and never be seen ever again. I became really afraid for a long time that vampires would break into my house and kidnap me

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When i was 5 or 6, i had a nightmare where i was in the bathroom without the lights on. I heard noise coming from the bathtub curtain and i got scared so i tried to get out but the door was locked and i saw a vampire jump out of the bathtub and he pushed me against the wall and his face got closer to me and i woke up screaming.

My parents put a night light in the bathroom so i could see without turning the lights on but i was still scared of the vampire in the bathtub. So every night, i would wake my parents up and tell them to look behind the bathtub curtain to make sure there are no vampires so i can pee without them jumping out and scaring me. They kept telling me that there's no such thing as vampires but i didn't believe them.

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I used to believe vampires were real and that there was one in my closet at night that would suck my blood.

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When I was about four my Dad took my brother and I to srr ,lOne " "One million Years BC" which was double featured with aMexican vampire movie in Spanish with English subtitles.I could't read yet do I kind of lost interest and nodded off.When I woke up I thought for some reason that the Spanish Vampire was named "Vampedro" and he rose out of a clothes hamper at dusk.Talk about the mind "filling in the blank"! Though I had slept ough most of the vampire movie it became very real to me and I developed a fear of clothes hampers and the name "Pedro" though the movie vampire was not named Pedro.It took me several years to get over being traumatized by a movie I had slept through!

Bride of Vampedro
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When I was really young and first heard of vampires, they terrified me. I never heard of them not being able to enter your house without permission, so I never had that security. I was scared that they would bite me, infect me, then trap me in a small cell forever, since I would be immortal.

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When I was little, I used to think that vampires followed me when I go home at night. I started to go faster and didn't look back. This feeling has gone by now so I don't go alone at night. It is because I like to watch horrors.

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For longer than I'd like to admit, I believed vampires were real and lived in a secret society. I believed they chose who was allowed to be a vampire, and I so badly wanted to be "chosen". Whenever I was in a car, I would sit with my neck exposed near the window with my head tilted away, just in case a vampire was watching. I would sleep like this too, because I believed that the vampire would have followed me home and waited until I was asleep to sneak in my room and turn me into a vampire. I really, really wanted this to happen.

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When I noticed that my eye teeth were pointed, I thought it meant that I was a vampire, and those were my fangs starting to grow.

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top belief!

Ok, this is kind of long....
When I was a kid, we had a backyard that we shared with the kids next door that was literally about a hundred acres-it branched off into woods. Being kids, me and my best friend next door and his siblings believed a lot of weird stuff. And somehow (don't ask how) we absolutely convinced ourselves that there were three different types of vampires living in the woods. There was one type of good vampire and two bad ones (one worse than the other) and we were absolutely convinced of this for years. Nothing would dissuade us from that belief, and this was way before Twilight! I remember our parents trying to convince us it wasn't true and us absolutely insisting it was and that we had proof (our proof amounted to a bunch of weird stones we were convinced were old molded bones left from vampire victims.)
The belief eventually died its' death the night my friend and I decided to creep out and "deal with" the evil vampires. We crept outside with our "stakes" (actually long sticks) and basically snuck into the woods. I don't know how long passed until we saw something moving but at some point we heard a rustle behind us, turned and dived at something that definitely was not an animal. Our combined weight was enough to knock the guy to the ground.
Oh, but imagine our horror, when the figure we had knocked over turned out not to be a malicious vampire but my best friend's very angry father, who had come out into the woods looking for us. It turned out us disappearing to fight vampires had actually had the police out looking for us.
From that day on, if you even whispered the word vampire around our parents your name was mud. The belief died a swift and painless death.
The worst part was the fact that my friend and I were not 8 or 9 when this belief faded away. We were almost 15.:)

Vampire Fighters (we still laugh about it):)
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I used to believe that a tiger would attack me in the middle of the night, so I always slept with my back to the wall. I also used to believe that vampires would come into my room in the middle of the night, so I always slept with a bathrobe on and the collar rolled up over my neck.

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top belief!

When I was little, I used to believe that I was a vampire. One day at school, I convinced my friends into thinking I was a vampire. I use to scare them and I got a vampire book that came with a necklace, I wore the necklace to school and told them it was a vampire necklace so they started screaming. :)

vampire girl...
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top belief!

I dont know if this EVER happend to anyone else. ok.. But I used to love this anime series "Avatar" where the people could wield the power of the four elements Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Well, once I was walking down a dusty road on the farm, when the Milk tanker drove past, blowing the dust into the air infront of me. I raised my arms up and swooshed them to my right concentrating extremely hard on the that dust!!! And. Sure enough, the wind decided to blow the dust in the same direction I was hoping for. I believed I was an air bender. For years to come I would continue doing this, and even when I failed I wouild tell myself 'damn. Concentrate harder next time!' !!!

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My granny used to told me that they are two demons... one come in daytime and other in night time to catch naughty child.. I used to get scare when I did mischief

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I was smart enought to know that you killed a vampire with a wooden steak, but I was a little confused how that worked. Perhaps they got splinters in their gums and their fangs fell out so they couldn't feed any more. It was quite a revelation to discover that it was a actually a stake.

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When I was about 7 or 8 my best friend convinced me that she was a vampire and that she could do a spell to turn water into blood, even though it just looked like water. One day she told me that she turned me into a vampire over night and I believed it for months.
My freshman year of high school I was in a class with a girl who had lived on my street when I was a kid. She was like "Hey you're that girl who told my little sister that you were a vampire". Soooo awkward.

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I used to believe that vampires menaced the residents of Pennsylvania. Since The Magic Treehouse books took place there, I was of course worried about their protagonists.

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I have two older sisters and on family vacations, we usually shared one room. Because my oldest sister likes the bed by the window, she used to tell me that I shouldn't sleep in that bed because vampires can come in through the window and would obviously go to that bed first. I started crying wondering what she would do if a vampire came in and she told me that vampires only like girls with blonde hair (i have blonde hair, she doesn't). To this day, i don't sleep in the bed by the window.

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top belief!

On a dangerous rural road in Texas there are lots of crosses that people leave for their loved ones who have died on the road. I thought they were to ward off vampires.

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From the age of 3 or 4 I believed that Satan and Dracula lived under the toys in my room, and would come out at night when I was asleep and taunt me.

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top belief!

For as long as I've been alive my Mother has worked the night shift at Quest Diagnostics. She's a lab tech and runs blood samples from 9pm to 6am. All I knew about her job was that she worked at night and handled a lot of blood.

My Mother also has a slight allergy to vitamin D and because the sun's rays give off a great deal of vitamin D, she breaks out whenever she's in the sun too long. Effectively, she's "allergic" to the sun.

In 4th grade, I started to put these pieces together...allergic to the sun? Works at night? Handles blood samples? Obviously, my Mother was a vampire. I scared the poop out of some of my friends who were over at my house on a weekend telling them this about my Mom.

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