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top belief!
When I was 4-5 years old, I heard my mom call midnight the "witching hour". I had a sleepover at my friend Jami's house and we were up late. It was 12ish and since we were still up I freaked out and ran into her parents room screaming because I was convinced that witches were coming to get us.
When he was little my brother was sure that a witch came to the kitchen window and somehow touched him on the back even though she was outside and he has inside.
Our dad tried to convince us that a draft from the fanheater touched him (even though he was sitting on the floor facing it). We both still believe it was a scary witch, even though I'm 37 and he's 35.
When I was a child I used to believe that there was a witch waiting outside my window at night, and she would be able to come and get me only if she could see my toes. So I would be awake for a long time, avoiding to sleep in the dark when everyone else were sleeping because I was afraid that, if I slept, I could put my feet out of the sheets without noticing it and therefore having to face the ugly woman... Well, the monsters under my bed also had that "seeing the toes" condition to be able to harm me.
When I was little my grandmother told me that witches hated turtles.
So on Halloween, I came to school with my Yertle the Turtle stuffed animal and everytime I saw a witch, I whispered mysterious words to my turtle and made weird noises if the kids in witch costumes saw me...they were very confused when they turned around with me holding my turtle and saying, "heh heh heh.." under my breath.
But the controversy didn't really start until after I chased my teacher around holding out my turtle saying, "I'm gonna get you!" and shreiking with laughter.
Ok, so I made this story up. But my grandmother really did tell me that turtles scared witches.
When i was younger i used to do things really weird! I used to say something and then it would come true! Because of this i believe i was magical or that i was a witch! If people used to say thing like it isnt true i used to say i would put a spell on them! Then soon in about a couple of days they were ill or something bad happened to them! Some little kid went and told the teacher on me and she spoke to me after school! She said if i didnt stop telling people i was a witch she would place a spell on me and it wouldnt be a nice one! I NEVER said anything about being a witch again!!!!!!!
I used to believe that there was always a witch waiting at the bottom of the bed waiting to snag my feet and send me far away from my parents. I used to have to hug my knees to fall asleep
When I was about five years old I used to believe that Ursula the sea witch from the Little Mermaid was going to come up from the bottom of my covers and eat me, I never went to bed without securing the covers underneath me.
My parents separated when I was 5 and my Mom moved back to PA where her family lived. I was deathly afraid of staying there. I had a dream there when I was like 6 that a blond girl was sitting on a porch step and a mysterious figure floated up and handed her a letter..When the girl opened the letter, she died and immediately turned into a pile of bones. From that night on, I believed it was a witch and she was out to get me and hand me my death-letter. I would keep my bedroom door open and pull all the covers up to my neck, in case the witch came, because in that case, she would think that I was just a head because another witch had come and already gotten the job done.
I was a weird child.
I used to believe that, if I went to bed with the curtains open, any passing witches could see me, fly in and steal me away!
This is about me, but my cousins, Taylor and Molly.
One Christmas Eve, we all get together at my grandfather's house. He said a witch lived in the garage. Of course, I didn't believe it, but they did. They went ourside in front of the garage and said "Why can't we see or hear her?" Grandpa said that see's invisible and she doesn't like to talk.^_^
Ok I'm 11 now and I have a cousin Scarlett 7 who thinks that we are witches. My imagenary name is DragonStone and her's is MoonFire. We aren't witches but she thinks we are so we walk around putting spells on Hillary Duff (her idea) and scaring the crap out of her little sister Amie 5 who is afraid of witches. Also we are friends with the faerie clan who is ruled by all these freaky faeries that Scarlett made up like: Senrya, Vecepianaah, Nooria, etc. But I wonder when she's gonna stop beliving in these things... Allthough it was my fault I'm the one who told her we were witches and faeries were real... LOL. haha
I used to think that a witch lived in the library. Why? Because my mother told me so.
i used to beleive that when i stayed up and watched cartoons in the living room a witch would come in and steal me and then lock me in a cage forever i haven't slept in the living room since!!!
At my dentist's office there used to be this nasty picture of a witch with dark yellow teeth and all sorts of candy around her that was supposed to give you the idea that she was trying to convince you to do the "bad" thing and eat sweets and not take care of your teeth. I was only 4 or 5 so I took it more like you turn into a witch if you eat too much candy and never brush your teeth. It was the scariest picture ever. I still didn't brush my teeth, though. It was just a scary picture.
wheni was in grade 2 or three, i was friends with this girl in school and we would pretend to fight evil witches in the summer and evil snowmen in the winter and i guess it was strange because i made the whole thng up but i belived everything was happening i was talking to that friends last week and we were laughing about it!
top belief!
I loved the Wizard of Oz as a kid...still do actually...and my mom taped something off the television for me. They played the movie and then, afterwards, there was this thing that talked about the actors, the producers, etc...and all about how they made the movie. First they had Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West standing next to each other and I couldn't understand how Dorothy could stand next to her if she was dead. They went through and explained the lives of the actors and said that Judy Garland was dead. I didn't understand that because I watched her everyday. Then they also had the guy who did the special effects for the tornado on there explaining everything. I cried and kept asking mom why the evil man would create a tornado and how he could do it. I thought only God could make tornados. I guess I didn't understand yet that it was just a movie and the people were just actors. I also thought the munchkins were really just little kids instead of little people. They showed the actors who played the munchkins and they were all really old and they scared me too. I was also madly in love with the Tinman...come on, who wasn't?! :)
I used to believe that whenever I blinked the lights were going out and that it was because witches were trying to scare me
I used to believe that a witch lived under our stairs because there is a little storage space with a door under them and they creak loudly when you walk on them. I told my friend that she jumped up at you if you didn't go fast enough and she is still afraid of them.... hehe.
when i was little i used to think that a witch lived in my bathtub.
When i was little my bedroom was on the first floor near the window, and thought that a witch lived outside my window and she would let people in if they had the secret password. who knows why but every once and a while i would leave a note in my bible for her to get.
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