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I loved the Wizard of Oz as a kid...still do actually...and my mom taped something off the television for me. They played the movie and then, afterwards, there was this thing that talked about the actors, the producers, etc...and all about how they made the movie. First they had Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West standing next to each other and I couldn't understand how Dorothy could stand next to her if she was dead. They went through and explained the lives of the actors and said that Judy Garland was dead. I didn't understand that because I watched her everyday. Then they also had the guy who did the special effects for the tornado on there explaining everything. I cried and kept asking mom why the evil man would create a tornado and how he could do it. I thought only God could make tornados. I guess I didn't understand yet that it was just a movie and the people were just actors. I also thought the munchkins were really just little kids instead of little people. They showed the actors who played the munchkins and they were all really old and they scared me too. I was also madly in love with the Tinman...come on, who wasn't?! :)
When I was young, we learned about the witches burning at the stake in Salem, I was confused with the word "steak" and "stake" and I thought that the witches were burned in the barbeque grill along with raw steaks which is ready to cook. How does one cook steaks on the grill with a witch sitting on it?
When I was 5 I believed a witch lived under my bed. When it was time for bed I would clear a path between my lightswitch and my bed. I would then get in the pre-race stance with one hand on the lightswitch. Then as i flicked the switch off I'd take off running to my bed and when I was a couple of feet from the bed launch myself onto it. This way the witch wouldn't grab me by my feet and cook me in her pot.
There were, however, a few times when I jumped a little too soon, landing straight on my face,which I imagine looked pretty funny to the witch.
I used to believe that my stepmother was a witch and, because her birthday IS on Halloween, that on that particular night, she would turn into a black cat. My dad was the one that told me this...only because he knew I would believe anything he told me. lol
My older brother used to tell me all the time that there was a witch who lived in milk and every time I drank it, she'd go down into my belly and cut me with her long fingernails while laughing her wicked laugh (which he'd demonstrate, laughing witchily and clawing his fingers in the air). I was terrified of drinking milk for years.
I asked him once why he could drink it in tea without the milk-witch bothering him and he said the milk witch died when poured into hot liquid so she couldn't hurt him.
Everyone in my family still has a laugh about this now and again...
At some point in my childhood I seriously believed that my parents were a witch and a warlock and that the lounge was actually a cave with a cauldren in the middle of it, but everything looked normal because they had put a spell on it. I would try and sneak up quietly and catch them out before it changed back to a living room but they were always too quick for me
I used to believe that everytime I blinked, the lights would go out and that it was a witch who was turning them off.
Because of a poem, I believed that if I always put pepper in my hair, witches would leave me alone, because, you know, they sniff you before they eat you, and the pepper would make them sneeze and you'd be able to get away!
i used to think my eldest sister was a witch and would spend time looking out of the corner of my eye waiting for her to let her guise slip. It escalated when I grabbed her skin on her face to reveal her true identity. I found no evidence on that occasion but she was quite horrid to me afterwards as I suppose you would be.
My mother always told me that if I didn't break up my egg shells then the witches would use them to sail across the water to get the fairies. I have crushed my egg shells ever since and even make my husband do it too!
when i was younger my aunts nose job went wrong so her nose came out long and pointy. For a long time i thought that she was a witch.
You must break the bottom of egg shells after finishing a boiled egg or witches will use them for boats
I used to think 12:00 AM until 12:59 was the "witching" hour. If I awoke at this time then something bad would happen. So if I saw the clock showing this time I would try to fall asleep under the covers as fast as possible
I used to believe that the little bumpy parts on the back of your ears were from witches that came in the night to nibble on my ear.
When I was about 6, I believed that all widowed women who dressed in black were witches trying to escape their sorrow by passing it on to others. I found I could thwart them by making them smile and thus turn them back into normal people.
When I was real little, I used to believe that I was a witch, like I thought that I could walk around and make whatever I wanted to happen. I used to carry a wand around and people would ask me about it and if I didn't want to answer them, I'd cast a spell and they'd leave.
Unfortunately, that spell involved poking them in the eye...
When I was little, there were always commercials for the Blair Witch Project on TV. I would make my dad get rid of the witches before I went to sleep. However, looking under the bed wasn't enough. I made him spray 'Witch Replant' all over my room. It was actually Lysol spray that he took a sharpie to.
If I went to bed with my shirt on backwards, the witches would take me to thier den in the mountains, because they could see I was crazy like them
When I was little, I used to believe that most old ladies must be witches, because of the wrinkles, funny clothes and scratchy voices
On one of my college breaks I went to go visit my half sisters. the oldest one was 5 at the time. we were hanging out in the front yard, when all of a sudden she looks up and screams "THE WICKED WITCH IS COMING!!!!"
I looked up into the sky where she was pointing but saw nothing out of the ordinary. I asked her how she knew the wicked witch was coming and she said because of the lines her broom leaves in the sky. she was pointing up at the exhaust lines left behind by an airplane, and went on to say how daddy told her all about it.
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