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When I was a kid I believed that a scary witch lived in the hallway wardrobe, outside the bedroom... Her name was 'Hufsa' and was a mean and ugly old witch that kidnapped and maybe ate kids!!!
Me and my brother shared a bedroom, and sleeped in bunkbeds. Since he was 4 years older than me he had the top one. I began sleeping with the duvet over my head, so that she wouldn't come in and take me..
And who told me about 'Hufsa'? Yes, my brother that's who... *lol* He said that she would come and take me, not him - 'cause she was so small she couldn't reach the top bunk!
At night when the lights were out, I could easily imagine there was something strange hiding amongst the coates in the wardrobe.... and strange noises and breathing I could hear... (my brother perhaps?)
Ofcourse I don't believe in 'Hufsa' anymore.., but I still have a bad habit of sleeping with the duvet over my head sometimes! *smile*
the summer that I turned 11 I waited out side on the step all summer for my hogwarts letter... ;D
There was a boy living next door to me who was one year younger and didn't have training wheels on his bike, but the bike still made the sound training wheels make so I thought he actually has them but his mother was a witch and had made them invisible.
I used to believe that whenever I blinked the lights were going out and that it was because witches were trying to scare me
When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my best friend's mom put rubber bands on her rubber plant in the living room and told us that that's where the rubber bands came from! This same woman washed her hair with mayonnaise and said all witches do that. I wondered for years if she truly was a witch.
When Ismall the stair to the second floor was enclosed on both sides, making it into a sort of narrow corridor. I had somehow gotten the impresion thatas soon as I started down the steps a gnarly, hideous witch was at the top of the stairs about to throw a dagger at me. I would fly down the steps as fast as I could go, and whip around the corner at the bottom before she could get me. That image stayed with me for years, long after I knew there was no reason to believe it.
When I was little my grandmother told me that witches hated turtles.
So on Halloween, I came to school with my Yertle the Turtle stuffed animal and everytime I saw a witch, I whispered mysterious words to my turtle and made weird noises if the kids in witch costumes saw me...they were very confused when they turned around with me holding my turtle and saying, "heh heh heh.." under my breath.
But the controversy didn't really start until after I chased my teacher around holding out my turtle saying, "I'm gonna get you!" and shreiking with laughter.
Ok, so I made this story up. But my grandmother really did tell me that turtles scared witches.
When I was little, I used to see witches everywhere in my house (it got even worse on Halloween). The Silver Witch lived in the bathtub and she stared at me as I raced down the hall to escape her. The Green Witch lived in the toy room, and unless I touched the couch as soon as I ran in, she would attack me. The Black Witch lived in the closet; she was worst of all. The Pink Witch was good, though; she was a bit like Glinda from Wizard of Oz but she was a bit weird and never said much to me.
Wen I was 4 or 5 I had a very wierd/ scary at the time dream involving a witch and zombies casing me around a giant container of Tropicana OJ, I subsequently avoided OJ for about 6 months because I thought if I drank it the witch and zombies would come back
I told my little brother that the girl next door was a powerful witch who had put a curse on me. The minute I got into bed I was trapped and unable to set foot on the floor until the next morning, or I would die. This meant that he had to run around and fetch me drinks and sandwiches - which he would do. And with a very frightened round eyed look on his face HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !
Until I was 8 I used to think that women who wore eye liner were witches.
After watching the Wizard of Oz, I thought that all witches melted on contact with water. Then later I saw a Donald Duck cartoon where he dumped a water bucket on a witch as a prank, and she came out solid and perfectly fine! I guess I still have some studying to do, eh? ^_^'
Ever since I can remember, my family would visit my aunt and uncle for the holidays. Whenever we got there, I would play with all of the cousins in a big group. Every time that we went outside, my cousins would tell me that I couldn't go too far out in the woods because a witch lived just past the line of sight. It took many years of staying inside the house to finally figure out that it was a lie.
I used to belive that my neighbour was a witch because she only went out at midnight...she even had green hair...
until i was seven i beleived that the witch from the wizord of oz lived behind a gate behined my book shelf
When I was little, my brother told me that if I wouldn't go to sleep, the witches would get me. To this day I still can't sleep without the covers on me no matter how hot it is because of the witches. Thanks, bro.
when i was little my mom would clean my room while i was sleeping i would have dreams about little witches coming out of my toes and cleaning my room
When i was about five i slept in my own bunk bed, on the top bunk of course.
One night my mum came into the room to find me screaming about a witch, i was lying on the floor crying.
I remember a witch flying into my bedroom & grabbing me by the wrist & trying to take me away on her broom. She was green & had warts...just like on TV. When my mum turned the light on she dropped me on the floor & flew out the window quickly!
Mum assured me it was just a dream, but 2 days later my arm & wrist was all bruised! I was convinced it was where the witch had grabbed me! ( i guess i probably fell out of my bunk after having a nightmare & fell on my arm?)
But for years i belived witches flew around at night snatching children from thier beds...i belived this well into my teens! I never slept with the window open.
When I was about 6 yrs old, my sister convinced me that our parents were witches. She said that we wouldn't get our powers until we turned 15. She also convinced me they were evil and practiced their magic after we were put to bed. I believed this until I was 8, the day I confronted my parents about it. They laughed at me but I persisted to get them to confess. Then my sister comes in and says, "Really? I was kidding."
When I was little for some silly reason, I used to believe that witches would fly around the neighbourhood looking into the windows of little kids and if the little kids weren't alseep by 9.30pm the witches would kidnap them and take them away to a place where no-one could save them. I have no idea where I got this Idea from, but If i couldn't get to be bed at night and it was almost or around 9.30pm, I used to close my eyes tightly and pretend I was asleep. It really scared me and I belived it till I was about 11.
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