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When i was younger i used to do things really weird! I used to say something and then it would come true! Because of this i believe i was magical or that i was a witch! If people used to say thing like it isnt true i used to say i would put a spell on them! Then soon in about a couple of days they were ill or something bad happened to them! Some little kid went and told the teacher on me and she spoke to me after school! She said if i didnt stop telling people i was a witch she would place a spell on me and it wouldnt be a nice one! I NEVER said anything about being a witch again!!!!!!!
i used to think that when i went to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, i had to run back to the living room or else a witch would jump out and grab me where the hallway turns. the weird thing was that somehow i could ru through the witch.
i still run through that hallway.
When I was little my dad told me that in the movie The Wizard of Oz when the wicked witch was flying outside the emerald castle, she was drawing in the air with her farts and that's how she was able to draw with her broom. I believed that until I was a freshman in high school and was told otherwise.
i remember sleeping in bed with my mum once when my dad was working away.....i was about 7.....and i woke up early and watched her sleeping....then a thought hit me.......i bizzarely thought that she had become inhabited by a witch overnight and she wasn't my mother after all....i became very upset and this was all enforced by when we went shopping to tescos later that day and she bought a root of ginger....she had NEVER bought a root of ginger.......she must be a witch!
im 14 now and i told my mum the other day ....... she gave me a very fuuny look!!
When my cousin and I were in second grade, she told me that we were witches, and for about a year we believed that we were really long-lost sisters from another planet.
when i was little my older sister convinced me that she and mom were witches. one day on the way to daycare my mom was driving and i asked her when i was going to get my witch powers. she had no clue what i was talking about... to this day i still do witchcraft....
When we were younger, my friend and I really believed we were witches and had magical powers. Every Halloween, we would go to the stop sign and say a rhyme to get into Halloween Town.
When he was little my brother was sure that a witch came to the kitchen window and somehow touched him on the back even though she was outside and he has inside.
Our dad tried to convince us that a draft from the fanheater touched him (even though he was sitting on the floor facing it). We both still believe it was a scary witch, even though I'm 37 and he's 35.
When i was little i used to believe that the Witches were out to get me. I used to be convinced that they were hiding at the bottom of my bed and in the night i'd feel a cold clammy hand reaching up to grab my feet. i also thought they set traps around the house for me, so if i turned the hot tap on before the cold, or took only one tissue from the box, or stepped on a certain bit of ground they could take me away to their lair... the only thing was, i didn't know what was a trap, and what i had to do to fall into it... so i lived in fear of being abducted by the witches
I also believed, when i was even younger, that there were pixies in my room, and i lived with the curtains shut for fear of opening them to find a pixie face pressed against the glass. I thought if i was awake at night they'd get me, and then of course i was too scared to get to sleep, so i hid under the covers and cried with terror, hoping my mum would hear me and come save me from them, but the catch was that if the pixies heard me crying they'd know i was awake, so i had to cry silently, so my mum never heard me!
I was about 4 .I thought every female in the family would turn into a witch when she turned 20 and turn all the men into puppies or kittens.
Me and my friends(we were nine) from school use to believe we were witches.And we watched charmed so that gave us ideas.In school there would be little pavement circles, and we use to sit in them, hold hands and say "Let the power of three, set us free."
Now that we are older when ever we end up talking about it we alwayz end up laughing so much that we end up in tears.
When I was little my mom worked for a local pizza place, on occasion she would have to take me with her to work. One night she told me not to go near the ovens because a witch lived there and she would eat. I never went that stove or any other til I was 10.
When I was little, I used to sleep with the window blinds open. But, after I saw The Wizard of Oz I wouldn't let my parents open the blinds because I thought a witch would come and get me.
I believed that an aunt was a witch. Whenever she came to visit she was always dressed in black. Later, when she moved closer to us & purchased a restaurant, she became mad at her husband (my uncle-in-law) and raised her hands up in a hexing stance & growled. I was sure she was a witch! I was about 7 years old.
I was taking a walk in the park with my grumpy great-grandmother. She wanted me to sit still so that she can talk to her friends so she sat me down on a bench and pointed at one of the big buildings that toward over the park in the distance and said, "There is a witch up on that building and if you don't sit still, it will eat you." I must have sat there for a good hour and a half without taking my eyes off the witch whom - I was extremely convinced - was moving about.
i used to believe the witch who is responsible for my street will fly across my window with broomstick at 12 midnight and catch kids who aren't asleep or not coverd with a blanket
When I was about five or six, my sister and her friend convinced me that I was a witch. I didn't believe them at first but they gave me all kinds of tests to show that I was. One was that I had to blow o ut a magic candle. They said that only witches could blow out the magic candle, and I could.
Then I went around casting 'spells' on all my classmates. This went on for almost a month until my mom noticed me saying funny words at the bushes in my backyard because I was trying to turn them into animals. She told me witches weren't real.
I used to believe that Sabrina The Teenage Witch was rich, and i looked forward to my 16th birthday to see if i was a witch/wizard, i used to always try pointing at things to see if anything would happen, but nothing ever did, lol
I'm only 15 still, lets wait till my birthday to find out the truth, lol
i thought that diseases and bugs were the result of witches coming through the windows of little kids at night and stealing away their "good life" and when it hit autumn the leaves on the tree outside my bedroom window fell off and it was just sticks. i used to frighten myself stupid when it was a bright moon night...the way the branches were assembled looked like two very very scary witch hands on my bedroom wall lol...im 12 now and they still do look like scary hands but im not scared of it anymore.
I Once Believed That My Sister Was A Witch And I Was A Warlock!
She Told Me That When We Were Born There Was Witchcraft in Our Nighborhood.
Now I Know She Was Kidding Me!
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