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I used to believe that if you called the number on one of those Christian Children's Fund commercials they would actually send you a child. I was an only child and always begged my mom and dad to send me a baby from South America.

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When I was little, the Cinnamon Toast Crunch commercials involved the guy on the logo zapping the cinnamon on, so I thought that the guy lived inside of the electrical socket. A couple of times I tried to find him, but I never did.

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I wanted to order Sweet Pickels when I was little SOOO BADLY because that bus would come with all the characters in it. My mother kept telling me that it wouldn't really be delivered that way, but I was convinced she was lying to me so that I wouldn't want it.

Heather C.
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When I read in magazines about 'adopt a whale/dolphin/third world child' I actually thought it would be sent to your home. I think I was about 12 when I finally read a whole article about it (see i had just read the title 'adopt a ...') and realised what I actually happened. I was so disappointed!

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when i was younger i didn't grasp the idea you got PAID for appearing in tv adverts, i thought if you were advitising mcdonalds you would get a years free mcdonald food, etc

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when my dad told me i was going to be in a comercial i got really scared at first because i thought that when they film you you stay in the tv and you can never get out!

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When I was like 8 or 9 I would watch TV and see those commercials for acne care. My brother was about 14 and he had pimples and I remember hoping that by the time I hit puberty and got pimples that they would still make that kind of stuff (I thought it was just a fad that would go away!)

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I used to believe that comercials are evil beings that would keep appearing until you bought the product.

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When I was a baby, I was terrified of the Empire Carpet commercial. (You know - "5-8-8-2-3-hundred, Empire!) My mom said I used to scream hysterically every time it came on.

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When I was little, I thought the phrase in t.v. commercials "brought to you by" was one big word, "broughtoyoduby" meaning they would bring it to you if you buy it.

Ashley Nylin
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In the 70's an advert on UK TV for Wrigleys Spearmint Gum had people carrying around enormous packets of gum. I believed that when you bought and opened a packet of Wrigleys Gum it would inflate to this size.

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top belief!

Here in England we have a Toys R Us advert that contains the lyrics: " 'There's millions,' says Geoffrey, 'All under one roof.'"

I actually thought they were singing, "There's millions of debris all under one roof," and was lead to belief all the toys at Toys R Us were cheap because they were made of debris.

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i used to beleive that all familys on TV and adverts were real familys.

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When I was yound there was an ad for a tube of smarties. A guy would open the tube and he would be sucked inside to a world of smarties. I made my mum buy me a packet thinking that if I opened it I would be sucked inside. I was very dissapointed.

Alex Scobell
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top belief!

Bachelors Super Noodles adverts featured a little girl whose plaits would twirl around like a helicopter whenever she ate the noodles. The first time I tried the noodles, I made my mother plait my hair, and began to cry when my plaits didn't even move. Plus I didn't even like the noodles!

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The only ads I ever paid any notice to were toy commercals, which usually only advertised new toys. I believed for the longest time that only new things were advertised on television. I'll never forget the pepsi commmercial that made me realize my error...

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When I was about 4 or 5, I used to see the Mrs.Butterworths commercials on tv, and the only lady that was the bottle would come to life. Well, whenever my mom bought it, I would sit with the bottle in front of me and try to talk to her. She never talked back :( False advertising to children is so mean!

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Theres this add on TV which is for a roof restaler. Part of its cachy song is Watch This Roof actually thats the name of this company.

Well on the way home one afternoon my friend and I say a sign saying Watch This Roof. Thinking it meant Watch this roof we stood on the road for nearly 20 minutes thinking something would happen. Later we found out that that sign meant the roof had been restalled by the company.

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There used to be an advert for St. Ivel Gold (a kind of buttery spread). And it used to end with a shot of the top of the tub. Then a knife came across and in one simple move from right to left, the spread became shaped into the name of the product. I used to spend ages trying to do it and could never figure out why it only flattened the spread further.

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When I was little, really little, I thought that the commercials on tv about food was what the people in the grocery store was stocking at that exact moment. I know this sounds stupid!!!!!

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