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top belief!

When I was a child, I was deathly afraid of Mister Clean. I cannot explain this irrational fear...he just scares the hell out of me, to the point where I had nightmares about the advertising icon. Whenever a "Mister Clean" household cleanser ad would play itself out on my family's television set, my mother claims I would run from the room screaming.

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top belief!

When I was a child, living in Western New York State, our family drove up to Lake Erie every summer. We always passed a billboard that advertised DUTCH BOY PAINTS.It was a brand name. But I didn't realize that. I kept watching ahead, waiting, as I wanted to watch the little Dutch boy paint, in his funny cap, billowy blue pants, and funny little wooden shoes. We kept passing signs, but I never got to see the little dutch boy paint!

Joan, in Australia now
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My sister and I once insisted that my parents buy Mrs. Butterworth's Pancake Syrup, and when they did, we sat at the table and waited for her to talk.

That was a lesson about the truth of advertising!

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I used to see this advert on TV for handcream where they screwed up a dry leaf, then told you about the cream, and the leaf was green and fresh.
I honestly thought that if you put this handcream on a dead leaf, it would make it green again. How frustrating it was then that it never worked for me.....

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I used to think the song in those old Cal Worthington car commercials said "Pussy Cow" instead of "Go see Cal".

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When I was little I used to believe that the people in commercials who were acting out and telling how they were talking to someone and mentioned about a problem and the person they were talking to told them about (name of product) were real people who really were in that situation talking to a person and thatg the person they were talking to really recommended that product. I thought it was all a real situation. I was shocked when I found out that these were paid actors who really didn't have that situation.

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top belief!

I remember thinking that companies who advertized TV's on TV were silly. If you could see the commercial, obviously you didn't need a TV!

I also could never get my head around how you could "SAVE" money by buying something.

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I saw a commercial that said, "Don't drink and drive", when I was 5. Later we were in the car and my dad was drinking a coke. I informed what the commercial said.

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Until i was about 15 i used to believe the Milky Bar Kid said "Milky Bars are homemade" Duhhhhh

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When I was about 7, I thought that there were so many car commercials on TV because people bought cars once a week or so, and I always wondered why my parents kept the same old car for so long. 

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You know how the bottle for Mrs. Butterworth's pancake syrup looks like a little lady? When I was a child, the television commercials would show that bottle walking around on the table talking to people. I thought it was real. After all, it didn't look like a cartoon. When I would eat pancakes, I would stare intently at that bottle because if it so much as budged, I wasn't going to miss it. I always thought that the bottles we kept getting were broken because she didn't move or talk.

Anthony C.
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One day I asked my dad what Billboards were. He replied "they are showing things that you can buy". I thought that you could buy the woman who was sprawled all over a car!

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My younger brother saw an ad for 'Satin Touch' tampons on TV. Later he enquired to my mom, "Mom? What is Satan Touch?"

Lisa W
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top belief!

When I was a child, I once saw a commercial for Nutra-Sweet while I was visiting my grandma. The commercial showed bananas and milk, so I believed that if you ate bananas chopped up in a bowl of milk it would turn into sugar. I remember eating this concoction several times but alas it never turned into sugar.

Laura W.
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top belief!

When I was about 4 or 5 and I used to watch TV commercials, I remember seeing a commercial for Charcoal rocks for the Barbeque Grill, In the commercial it showed the man taking out the Rocks, then it showed a nice juicy hamburger. I thought (until I was almost 8!) that you were able to buy all kind of rocks and when you put them in the flames on the grill, the formed into all different foods! I thought that you could buy Steak Rocks, Hamburger Rocks, Chicken Rocks etc.!!!! Like it were some kind of dehydrated space food!!!

Nina Burke
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top belief!

There used to be a commercial that talked about how "peanut buttery" one particular brand of peanut butter was. As the commercial went on, a bunch of peanuts were poured into a jar, the jar was shaken several times, and when the jar was opened, the peanuts had turned into creamy delicious peanut butter.

Gosh, I spent a lot of time after shaking a jar full of peanuts, but they never turned into peanut butter. I still kind of expect that to work somehow...

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I used to believe that Cal Worthington and his 'dog' Spot were selling pussy-cows pussy-cows pussy-cows (go see Cal).

Bill Elftman Jr.
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When I was Younger i used to think that when the commercials came on tv, you could reach into the television set and take the candy bar out and eat it i tried it and got a nasty hand injury!

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When I would hear the Grand Am commercials, I thought the announcer was saying Gran Damn! I was very worried about what our society was coming to that we could swear on our commercials!

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Joe DiMaggio used to be the official spokesperson in the Mr. Coffee commercials, and not knowing who he really was- I thought his name actually was "Mr. Coffee"!

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