i used to believe

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One time when I was a kid, I thought that I was skipping/fast-forwarding commercials on TV by –in actuality- changing the channel. I thought I'd get back to the show faster.

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I believed that if I ate Ready Brek, I'd glow like in the TV ad.

Why Aren't I Glowing?
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When I was about 5, I saw a Daisy sour cream commercial saying something like “four generations of the family will enjoy this”. Because I saw four people at the table, I was convinced that “generations” meant “members”. I learned otherwise when I said there would be four generations eating when it was really just me, my brother, and my parents.

The Lost Generation
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I used to swear the the Rice-A-Roni commerical lyrics we not
"Rice-A-Roni the San Franscio treat"
But "Rice-A-Roni lip ta lip ta lee"
I got into a HUGE fight with my mother over this

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I used to beleve that there was one person at a network station that sat behind a desk all day randomly picking commercials 24 hours a day. I thought that the rare times you see a commercal twice in a row was when the button for that commercial got stuck.

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When I was a baby, I was terrified of the Empire Carpet commercial. (You know - "5-8-8-2-3-hundred, Empire!) My mom said I used to scream hysterically every time it came on.

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I used to believe it was Ronald McDonald that made the sun light up because in a McDonald's commercial when I was a child he pulled a lamp cord from the bottom of the sun and it turned on. I thought the commercial was informing us that's how the sun "came on".

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I used to think that, because in the Empire Carpet commercials they sing,"800 588 2300 EMPIRE!!", Empire was part of the phone number and you'd have to dial 800-588-2300-EMPIRE to call them.

carpet lady
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I used to belive that all television was live. I used to try and figure out how every commercial was exactly the same. Nobody ever droped a ball or flubbed a line. It was really confusing if I flipped through the channels quickly and saw the same commercial on two different stations at the same time. I spent days trying to figure that out.

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I wanted Sweet Pickles books since I watched the ad on TV and hoped to get the bus to deliver them to me. But I lived overseas at the time. So I was hoping that when we went on a trip to the USA that I could have them delivered to the motel we were staying in.

About 20 years later I ended up finally finding them in a classroom and library! And I still thought they were cool

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When I was about 10, my mother sent me into the grocery store to buy a bar of soap. I came out empty-handed and explained that they didn't have any soap; they only had Zest. (There was an ad at the time that claimed "Zest: it washes cleaner than soap," or words to that effect.)

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When I lived in California, there was a car dealer, Cal Worthington Ford. Well, the song goes, "If you want a truck or Ford, go see Cal." For the longest time, actuall until I was 24, I believed that the words were, "If you want a pussycow, pussycow." What the heck is a pussycow?

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I saw a durex advert years ago and it had loads of people dressed up as sperm in a durex, they were all wearing glasses and saying how spacious it was and saying "oh, and look at the view". I honestly thought that it was a contact lense advert. I thought that they were dressed up as lots of little eyeballs. Mentioned it in front of a whole bunch of people, who,knowing me laughed at me and explained. oh the humility, i was 14 for gods sake!

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I used to think the "Scrubbing Bubbles " commercial bubbles, were real! I begged my mom over and over to buy the product when we were shopping. I really wanted to see those cute lil scrubbing bubbles at work! With those big eyes, cute little smiles........I was 4 or 5 at this stage.

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When my best friend was little, she used to wait for her mom to finish washing the linoleum kitchen floor so that she could stand on it and talk to Mr. Clean, who she believed would then appear in them, just like in the commercials.

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After watching a commercial for Imperial margarine and then eating some on bread I spent hours looking for my crown wondering why it didn't appear on my head with a "BA BA DA DUM!"
Also after eating a Halls I would wonder why I didn't see vapours going up my nose like on TV.

little jen
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I remember seeing my first Mr. Clean commercial; a woman mopping the floor with Mr. Clean floor cleaner and he appears on her freshly mopped floor. As a small child I believed if I used this product he would appear. When at the store with my mom, I would ask her if we could by some so I could see him but she would tell me it was just way to expensive for her to buy.

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When I was younger and heard infomercials saying "call the number on your screen," I thought they meant the phone number on my window screen and I would always get up and look on the window screen, looking for a changing number.

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When ever I would see a commercial for music sets featuring music by Mozart and Chopin on TV- I thought it was actually them playing it. Until I was about 11..

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When I was Younger i used to think that when the commercials came on tv, you could reach into the television set and take the candy bar out and eat it i tried it and got a nasty hand injury!

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