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I misheard an advert where the line was 'his debt, is destroying his family'
but i misheard it as 'his dad, is destroying his family'
No wonder i never trusted loan companys...
i used to believe that if i saw something i wanted on tv i could jump into the tv and get it.
When I was little there was this dog food brand called Chuck Wagon, and in their commercials this little wagon would come out from the cupboard and race around the house. When we got some for our dog, my older brother would shout "There it goes around the corner! You just missed it!" And he would have me chasing this nonexistant wagon all over the house.
You know how on Jeopardy there was always these things supporting the program that Alex Trebek just /had/ to tell you about? When he said "brought to you by" I thought he said somethnig that sounded like "brochuby" so it was like a question like "Brochuby Zest bath soap?" I assumed he was trying to hypnotise me into buying it... I always told him that I only got 2 dollars for allowance (I was 5) and that wasn't enough to buy a huge thing of soap.
i used to believe that for each commercial on TV people had to put a different tape in each time and i believed it till i was 11!
You know how the bottle for Mrs. Butterworth's pancake syrup looks like a little lady? When I was a child, the television commercials would show that bottle walking around on the table talking to people. I thought it was real. After all, it didn't look like a cartoon. When I would eat pancakes, I would stare intently at that bottle because if it so much as budged, I wasn't going to miss it. I always thought that the bottles we kept getting were broken because she didn't move or talk.
Since i first saw teh coca cola christmas advert i thought the song they were singing was ' i'm a piece a coming, i'm a piece a coming' althgouh i had no idea why. My brother helpfully corrected me and told me it was hundred things are coming and after dinging that for a while my mum finaly told me and my brother the real words 'holidays are coming' which makes so much more sense although doesn't sound as good in my opinion
There was a commercial on TV for a local car dealership with the jingle, "If you're looking for a deal, go see Cal." I believed it was "If you're looking for a deal, pussy cow," and I would sing it out loud without ever getting corrected.
When I was little I grew up in Southern California and they used have this comercial that came on for a used car dealer and the song was (Go see Cal-Go see Cal-Go see Cal) I always thought the song was saying "Pussy Cow, Pussy Cow, Pussy Cow" LOL I could never figure out what or why he was saying that!! Years later I found out that Cal was the car salesman's name. Geeze HELLO!! The things kids hear.
When I was little, I believed the snuggle bear and pillsbury dough boy were real.
When I was a child there was an advertisement on TV where they tried to sell a remedy against lice, rash and other things like that. They repeated the advertisement so many times that I learnt it by heart. I repeated the words of the advertiser lots of times before someone explained me what "pubis lice" meant.
when i was little. i loved transfomers. And i used to think " transformers. robots in disguise" was " transformers. robots meet the eye". And then when i was about 11 or 12 i saw an add on tv and i sung along with it, singing those words. my friend picked up on it and still will never let me forget it.
When I watched T.V. and saw those commercials for products and they said "call the number on the screen" I thought that to get the thing they were advertising I had to write the number on the window screen and when it didn't come I got really mad.
When I was in my kindergarten stage, they used to have these ads on TV for Twister, the game. In the ad it was called Twister the "hot spot" and had children pulling their hand away from them because the spots were hot. I was thrilled by the game and thought that it actually was a "hot spot" No need to say how disappointed I was when I pulled out the mat at kindergarten the next few weeks and realized it was cold =[
Quite a while ago there was an advert for R.Whites lemonade with a tune on it that had the lyrics 'I'm a secret lemonade drinker, R.Whites, R.Whites'
I thought it was 'I'm a secret liberty drinker'...makes no sense at all!
In an advert from years ago about a chocolate egg with a model of a football player inside the lyrics that went with it were:
football crazy chocolate mad
My version went: Little crazy chocolate men.
when i was little and i saw those comercials like for detergent and what not, and they always said "better than the other leading brands" and stuff like that, i would tell my mother that they were hurting the other [brands] feelings. haha
I used to believe that 'broctoyouby' was a word. On commercial television after every show they would say the show was 'brought to you by' and then the name of the sponsor.
Not really a belief, but the advert for galaxy chocolate, used to say "why have cotton when you can have silk?" so when i was young I used to refer to galaxy as "silk". In the middle of supermarkets i'd look to mum and say "could we get a bar of silk?"
and people would give us strange looks
when i was around 4....i used to believe ms. buttersworth was alive...since they made her alive in the when i'd go and open the cabinet door...and saw her...i'd slam the door and run...screaming "ahhh...she's alive!!"
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