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When I was younger, about 3-4 an avert was on TV showing a man planting Skittles.A huge rainbow came out of the ground and it rained large amounts of Skittles.
Well I tried this. I was distraught when nothing happened.
I used to pick up Mrs. Butterworth bottles and try to get them to talk to me like they did in the commercials.
An advert used to come up that said, "To Let". For the LONGEST time I thought that it mean 'Toilet' and they always left out the 'i'. I'd think why they didn't notice their mistake and fix it and sometimes I even thought about calling them or something and letting them know myself!
When I was little I used to believe that Crystal Light was the tool of the devil. You remember that commericial that went "I believe in Crystal Light"? Well, one day I was watching TV and this commercial came on and I ran to my mom and screamed "Mom, mom, the people on the Crystal Light commericial are going to hell, they don't believe in God, they believe in Crystal Light!"
You know how on car commercials in tiny print it says "professional driver, closed course" and the logo for the Volks Wagen company is "Driver's Wanted" well i always thought until i was about 15 or 16 (now I am 17) that the Volks Wagen company needed professional drivers for the closed courses on their commercials!
When I was about three or four, I heard a commercial on the radio. It was one of those annoying car commercials where they say something like, no matter how bad your credit is, they'll always say yes. I thought this was the funniest thing I had ever heard, because every time the woman said yes, my little-kid brain heard yep. At one point, she said, "Yes, definitely yes," but I heard, "Yep, yeppity yep." I went around saying that for awile, and I would crack up. I was disappointed when I finally figured out what they were saying. I like my version better.
One night, when I was six, I saw a car salesman doing a tv commercial in broad daylight. I mentioned to my aunt (she was 11) that the salesman must have been on the other side of the world because the sun was shining. She rudely tried to explain to me about pre-recorded film. I think I got that part. But I still don't understand how the images get to the tv in my house.
Until i was about 15 i used to believe the Milky Bar Kid said "Milky Bars are homemade" Duhhhhh
When I was little, really little, I thought that the commercials on tv about food was what the people in the grocery store was stocking at that exact moment. I know this sounds stupid!!!!!
When i was little i thought the scrubbing bubbles guys from the dow bathroom cleaners were real so i bugged my grandma to buy a can so i could have bubble buddies in the tub with me. she did and when i sprayed it i started crying because mine did not have any.
anyone rmb the bananas in pajamas song? that freaked me out, i thought that one day theyd come and get me
Whenever I saw the "cover the earth" Sherwin-Williams logo. I thought it was advertising some kind of hard candy with cherry syrup poured over it.
Well when I was seven I saw this ad on TV in which a Lemon drop gets converted into a real soap and a lady washes her dishes with it to get shining utensils.
And after that I wasted like 10's of Lemons by sqeezing them on the floor to try and get a Soap out !
When I was little and I watched TV, on a commercial when these evil dragons things said "Dont go away, we will return" that I had to stay there and I couldnt leave.
When I was a kid, there used to be a car commercial for a local dealership. The catch phrase was "Go see Cal" and was sung. For years, my sister thought they were singing "Pussy Cow."
I used to be TERRIFIED of this commercial where a guy's head turned into a huge nose. Whenever it came on, I'd run out of the room screaming in fear of the nose.
You know on the strepsils ad when you see the strepsil between someone's fingers turn to a little first-aid kit? Well, when I was younger I made my mum buy them just so I could see the strepsil turn to a little first-aid kit!!
I used to believe that the MICHELIN logo was a robber. and when i was in bed and heard my puls that was the sound of their footsteps.
I used to believe that Cal Worthington and his 'dog' Spot were selling pussy-cows pussy-cows pussy-cows (go see Cal).
When I was only like 2, I thought that the WB frog And the WB emblem would come out and "Take me away". (we watched the show "Full house a lot)
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