i used to believe

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I am paranoid ever since I was young, so my older sister used to tell me that the government used to watch you through the television and listen through the smoke detector. You have no idea how many candles I had to blow out and how many times I yelled at my mother to turn off the television.

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Still to this day, I have a problem with pictures in bathrooms because I feel like they're watching me.

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I used to believe that every poster on my wall was watching me, so i hid from them when i changed and was terrified that they'd tell people about me! I also thought that cameras were hidden everywhere, watching my every move. I still check for cameras whenever i have a bath or get changed!!!!

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As a child i believed that what was happening on tv was peoples real lives and that they didnt know we were watching them, therefore i thought somebody somewhere was watching me !!

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I used to think that my life was a tv show, eveything i would do and say, would be watched by people who liked my life

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I used to believe there was cameras and bugs in the toilets. So i used to check.

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When I was little, I used to believe that people were always, always looking at me: through windows, around corners, under whatever I was sitting on, you name it.

I also thought my parents set up invisible cameras to watch all of my actions and that my various pets had cameras in their eyes and reported everything I did to them (my parents). I was also dead certain that people were always reading my mind and recording my thoughts in order to use them against me later.

I was kind of a weird kid.

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I used to believe that whenever I dance in a room where the TV is on, everyone who is watching TV could also see me. I felt embarrassed since I didn't assume I was dancing perfectly. I would turn the TV off and dance, and whenever I thought I had enough practice with a specific tune I would turn the TV on and dance quite cautiously, lest I would be criticized for my performance.

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since i was little, my walls had been covered with pictures... i used to believe that the people in the pictures could actually see me, and so i covered my head with my sheets at night becuase i was embarassed for them to see me sucking my thumb!

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I believed that cartoons watch us for intertainment.

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I used to be afraid of changing clothes in front of the TV when I was little because I thought they could see me on the other side of the screen.

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one time my dad told me that he has a secret video camera everywhere. So then when i did something wrong i would apologize to the air. I also thought that it was on televison so i did some wierd stuff to make things interesting.

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when i was little i used to think that everyone watched me on this big tv screen at the white house, so i was really afraid to undress or take showers or go to the bathroom. and what not. it took me years to get over this fear of being watched.

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i used to belive that there's hidden camera filming all the time in our life,and all the drama&film that we saw is in real

Nurshahidah Ab Hamid
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i used to believe that the poster boys of simple plan could watch me in the bathroom. lol!

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When I was small i used to beleive that very where that I would go someone was watching me. I even thought that people would look at me through my mirors so everytime I would get changed I would hide myself so that no one could see me.

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My cousin told me that aliens could watch you through the television and the way you knew they were is that when the black and white television would turn off, it would go blank toward the middle, with that little white circle that would pause and disappear last.

amy, quartz hill, ca
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when i was about 9 or 10 i used to lie in bed and get absolutley freaked out by the posters on my walls because in the dark it seems like they're just staring at me and they all look really creepy. one time i got so scared of this jim carrey poster that i jumped out of bed and ripped it off the wall. now im 15 and there are millions of posters on my walls but nooooo jim carrey ones even though i love jim carrey!

Bec M
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When I was Younger, But not that young, I used to believe that pictures in my bedroom could see what I was doing & report back to my mother. So, anytime that I would do something that Iwasnt supposed to be doing I would make sur that all the Photographs in my bedromm where turned around or face down on my dresser

Alwaya Watched
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I believed there was a hidden camera in my teddy bear and that my kindergarten classmate who moved to Alaska could see me through it.

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