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Whenever the TV broadcasters had problems, a standard message would go up saying "technical difficulties, please stand by." I thought I had to get up and go stand by the TV. :-)

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I had a similar experience as another poster here. I was watching Sesame Street back when nobody but Big Bird (and us kids) believed in Mr. Snuffalupagus. Well, he was walking right behind Gordon once and I shouted out "he's right behind you!!!". Gordon turned to the camera (me) and replied, "did you say 'he's right behind me?''" From that day forward I never sat in front of the TV in my underwear again.

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This was when I was very young and the BBC weather used to consist of a man walking by several maps and sticking pictures of clouds and suns to the map. Probably because adult world seemed aloof and bizarre, I used to imagine that the weather man was infact held inside a giant dome covered in weather maps, and he was doomed to spend an eternity in this empty twilight zone walking around his vast prison reading the weather.

Dr Dunn
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When I was little my dad told me that the girl playing noughts and crosses with the clown doll on the Test Card was me [this was 30 odd years ago in the UK] and I thought it was me [she did look a lot like me], I couldn't figure out how they'd managed to film me playing noughts and crosses with a doll that I didn't own ...

Lobelia Overhill
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I used to be scared of the BBC 2 logo, which was two brown parallel lines in a 2 shape, because I thought they were question marks. I didnt know the question and I didnt know the answer.

Flash Wilson
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I used to believe that sattelite TV really was from a sattelite, I could never work out how they got all the people into space to make the shows.

Scott V
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When I was young (1980s), and violent or sexual programming was advertised on television with the disclaimer, "Parental Discretion Advised," I thought the TV announcer was actually saying "Friendly Discussion Advised."

It made sense to me because I thought the extreme nature of these programs would make people feel scared and leave them with a need to reassure each other.

Joey Z
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For some reason, when I was very little, I thought that TV shows "stayed inside the TV" until it was turned on. When we watched TV, the shows were "leaking out." When I started going to school, I would come home in the afternoon, try to watch "Sesame Street" and find that it wasn't on. I then asked Mom not to watch TV while I was at school, as it "wasted" "Sesame Street."

Nicholas Dollak
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I used to believe that people lived in the tv, so when they had boxing matches and if they missed and hit the tv, they would come through into our house

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For my 4th birthday my mum said I could have a party and I could invite anyone I wanted. The only person I wanted to come to my party was Robert Key, who was the ITN lunchtime news reader at the time. Apparently I threw a tantrum when told he wouldn't be able to attend. (We lived in a small town in Yorkshire at the time).

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