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Until the age of 12, I was convinced that video games literally turned your brains to mush, which would then dribble out of your nose until you became really really stupid. I taunted/warned my best friend's brothers with this, but they just laughed and I never really considered that they might be right!

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I used to shutoff my computer immediately whenever windows 95 said I had executed an illegal operation. I was always scared the police were going to show up.

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when i was about 6 years old, i loved playing NHL 94 on my sega genesis and since i never really knew how to play by the rules the referee would keep popping up on the screen calling penalties on me which i eventually found extremely annoying. so, one day i pulled out the nhl 94 cartridge and opened it up (unscewed the little screws on the back) and tried looking for the referee so i could take him out. unfortunately, all i found were wires :(

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when we were little, my sister and I would play on our parents' computer. The computer would crash a lot while running games, and an error message would appear with a bomb icon next to it. when my sister saw that she would run out of the room screaming, because she thought it meant the computer was about to explode.

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I used to believe that when you played nintendo games against a CPU character, that it was being controlled by someone who worked at nintendo.

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in the late 80s/early 90s whenever a game magazine would award a gold/silver/bronze cartridge in their reviews i would be sure to check the cartridge when i got the game to check the connectors to see what colour they were believing them to be gold, silver or bronze depending on the score the magazine gave.

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when i was little, my aunt played bejeweled and i never did because whenever i moved something it said "illegal move" so i thought my aunt was playing something that was against the law.

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When I was very young, I came home to find my dad playing on the NES. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me that the "games" on the machine were actually training programs used to keep astronauts at NASA sharp. Later in life as I started playing video games myself, I learned that this was not true, but until very recently I was convinced that the game he was playing at the time - Tetris - was an astronaut training game.

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I thought that the company that made video games actually watched you to make sure you played age-appropriate games.

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When I was little, I memorized the video game rating system, so I knew what games my parents would let me play. On the little flier, they were in the Order: EC, E, E10+, T, M, AO, and RP. Next to them, they had the description. I believed that RP (rating pending) meant that the game was so bad, you had to call the company for permission to play it.

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I played Chrono Trigger (Best game of all time, if ya haven't played it, get the DS remake now) a lot as a kid, and I was terrified because I thought Lavos really would come and destroy the world in 1999. When the year 1999 did come, I was panicking because I knew that any day Lavos would awaken. But then when 2000 came and I didn't die, nor become a survivor in a dystopian world, I was utterly confused. Then it came to me! Crono and friends defeated Lavos!

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When I was in like third grade I got a used Pokemon Saphire game because I lost my old one. I decided to play the existing file and was amazed at how good it was. He had every Pokemon, a bunch of level 100 legendaries, tons of rare candies, and 60 Master Balls. I was stupid and believed that he actually worked hard to catch every Pokemon and get level 100 legendaries, but I was stumped as to how he got the Master Balls, since there's only one in the game. I asked my friend and he said "The previous owner probably used Action Replay"

Since Action Replay is a cheating device where you insert codes, a lot like Game Shark. Anyway, since Action Replay at the time was a pretty new program, I of course, had no idea what it was and that it was like Game Shark, which I had heard of. I took the "replay" part of Action Replay literally and assumed it was a program that let you play any part of the game over and over again and what happened during those replays would affect your current data. So I thought that he replayed the part where you get the Master Ball 59 times to get 60 of them.

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In the video game, DuckTales, Scrooge could use his cane to pogo jump or swing it like a golf club. There was also a big brown boulder in the African Mines stage. This boulder also had a crack on one side.

When I first bought the game, I used to think that you could break this boulder by pogo-jumping on the crack.

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Back when I was three or four, I was pretty insistent that Geoff Crammond's World Circuit/F1GP had the actual car paints from 1991.

I found this out by spinning off and I clearly remember the driver getting out of the car and the car having cigarette advertising (another oddity as it w
s/is illegal). I still try to find a definitive answer (I'm 19 now )and I can't recreate it at all.

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I used to think that the high scores screen on arcade machines were the highest scores ever recorded in the world, not just the highest obtained on that particular machine.

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I used to think that God controlled whether or not you would catch a pokemon when you throw a pokeball in pokemon red version. Like he was watching you play, and if you were being bad he wouldn't let you catch anything. so every time I threw a pokeball in those games I'd remind God of all the good things I did that day to convince him to allow me to catch the pokeball.

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I was about six when I was given a Ronald McDonald CD rom to play with on the neighbors computer.. it had this calander bit and when I clicked on the 1st of April it told me it was going to self destruct in 10 seconds. I believed it, mostly because I knew f-all about computers and just about wet myself, I hid under the bed and started praying.. when it just did the whole "APRIL FOOLS" thing, I got sooo mad at it that I put it in time out...

still computer illitterate
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When I was about 5 years old, my friend and I would play Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire for the N64.
When we got to the second level there would be Wampas which we called "The Hairy Guys"
We would always open up the cages and make them come out.
Than we would run away and a few second later go back and pause really quickly when we saw them coming.
They freaked us out.
Than after awhile him and I would pretend they were chasing us in real life and run around in my basement.

Odd Child
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When my dad told me that the CPU people in Super Smash Bros. Melee were 'computer controlled', I thought it meant that our computer told the gamecube about what to make the CPUs do if certain things happened. Because of this, whenever I won a fight against a CPU, I thought the computer was broken.

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I still think that most CPU charaters are real people, like from the other side of the world or the people who made the game played against us 24/7. I told my mom thats what I wanted to be when I grow up and she crashed the dream with reality.

( this started with "Super smash brothers melee"!

Goomba boy
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