computer games
Show most recent or highest rated first.I Still think that all the game charaters are real.
like mario, sonic, Kirby ect... and they would one day visit me
from some random street corner or in the woods behind my house so I could be freinds with them. now I am 12 and still want Samus to come out of her "Metroid" games.
( "Sigh" mabey one day samus...)
I used to belief that Yoshi's from Super Mario games, were real. I thought they lived in another dimension thta you could only get to through a black hole.
I used to believe that the Sony Playstation games could be played in the computer. So I placed the disk into the CPU and crashed the entire computer... I got a scolding for doing something stupid. ( I was only 5 then, how was I suppose to know?)
Before I got into gaming, as a little kid, I never saw commercials for games rated M for mature, I only saw commercials for T and E rated games. I had no idea that the rating meant what age group it is for, I thought it meant for how many players! I misheard T for teen as T for Team, and I thought it meant you couldn't play it with one player, so you had to play with a team! Using that logic, I thought that E for everyone meant that everyone can play it, whether alone or with friends!
My cousin thought the BASIC computer command GOTO was prenounced "Got-oo" rather than "Go To"
I had a dream where I was eaten by Sonic. I dremed all night about being digested with rotten chilidogs an Tails' 3rd tail.
When I was playing car racing games and stuff I used to think that they were people somewhere else. If I crashed and re-started I would always think how pissed off they would be and wondered why they didn't re-start when they crashed!
I played the Ocarina of Time far too much as a child and I believed that Hyrule was a real place in England or something. I thought there would be a castle, a princess, monsters, Ganon, and Link would have me help him if I went there.
I started wondering how computer games actually worked at the age of nine. Having figured out that computer games are made up of series of images like movies, I'd ask my dad how the computer could have enough memory to store all the possible ball and paddle combinations in ARkanoid for the PC. having to remove the mouse driver for extra memory in games was a commonly needed and cryptic operation for a kid back then, though I had no idea what the numbers actually measured. Later on the very same year, I would wonder whether it's the car or the road that's moving in Geoff Grammonds World Circuit. Now, fifteen years later, I'm graduating in software engineering.
I used to watch my brother play Half-Life on the computer when I was young and I always thought I saw some sort of alien torturing a guy and he yelling "No! Don't put my head in the washing machine!"
top belief!
I used to believe that if you played a pokemon game and traded pokemon with a link cable, there were real pokemon inside and if you broke the link cable they would jump out and you could become a real pokemon master.
Its a good thing i never tested this theory. my mum would have killed me.
We used to have this old baseball video game when I was a kid. When You hit the ball a certain way it would foul and the ball would pop straight up toward the screen. My father told me if you hit it hard enough it could break through the screen.
I used to think that video game cheat codes were illegal, and if you used them, police would take your video games away. I didn't understand why it was illegal to sell magazines full of cheat codes. I thought that the store had a special license to sell them or something.
top belief!
I used to believe that Knuckles (from Sonic the Hedgehog) was an enchilada.
When i had super nintendo and i was playing mortal combat as a kid I always thought that the computer was some kid in japan playing against me and i would always get pissed because it was hard to win.
I used to believe that when you played single-player omode on a video game that the opponents were other players in other parts of the world somehow connected to your system! =)
top belief!
A few years ago I loved to play the Sims, a computer game where you build houses and control the people who live in them. My dad would ask me about it once in a while and one day I told him you could buy a Sims game for the Sims to play on their little computer. Thats when my dad told me we were probably in a computer game being controlled by a world more complex than ours. I seriously considered this for a while.
I use to jump when I was playing Mario games, because I thought that would make me jump higher
I thought that when I was playing Game Boy, and I would say something realated to why I was winning, the Game Boy would hear me, and make me lose. So when I played Game boy, I used to put tape in my mouth.
top belief!
Whenever my dad would load a new game on the computer for me, I would see that box of all the things you had to "agree" with to play the game (copyrites, etc.) When I was taught how to load the programs myself, I would always make sure to read this all very carefully before I clicked Next. I was convinced that if you did not read it, somehow "They" would know, and send me off to jail. I just recently learned the truth in this. I'm 15.
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