computer games
Show most recent or highest rated first.When I was about 10,I started believeing that the cards in Spider Solitare(the one on the computer)had feelings.I wanted toi be 'fair' to them,so I made sure the cards that appeared first got put in the deck first,and that all cards where acknowledged so that none of them felt left out.I even started apologizing to them if I made a bad choice.I even said 'Goodbye!Enjoy the fireworks!'if I won the game.
That was the same year my class didn't get to do anything fun because 3 people where acting out.Odd,isn't it?
when i was younger i used to beleive that when you played a game against the computer it was other people playing the game and that i was playing against them without nowin and that person thought they were playing against the computer but realy they were playing against me
I used to believe that videogames where actuall things that really happen. So when I first saw Bowser I freaked out and started crying (I was 2)
I used to believe that if you bought an "M" (Mature 17+) video game, and you were under 17, even if you were 16 and 364 days, you would either go to jail, or be forced to watch Barney forever. I'm 12 now and I'm horrified to see other year olds play Mature's, but I do have 1 or 2 which I got unaware of the rating. I also thought some thing similar between the ages of 3-6 about "T" (Teen 13+) games, but I got my first "T" when I was 7. I was horrified at first, but now I almost exclusivly buy "T" games.
I used to believe that everything had a soul and feelings, including inanimate objects like my bed and Nintendo.
When I was little, I had one of those little tomagochi things (the handheld game things where you feed and take care of an animated pet) and I thought that I was truly controlling a real pet in another world and that if i didnt feed it or sumthing, it would die and i would be responsible
I thought that some game controllers had "EXPLODE" buttons and if you pressed it then the TV would explode. I don't know why, because I have never actually seen a "EXPLODE" button, maybe I thought something else said "EXPLODE" when it actually didn't
I used to believe that the SP in Game Boy Advanced SP stood for soggy pants. I used to think that it ment the games looked so good on it, it would make someone wet their pants.
top belief!
I used to believe that the Super intendant was the Super Nintendo.
When I was 8, (I'm 10) I was convinced that I could use a Gameshark 64 to make game characters come out of the TV screen. I thought I could create a code for my Zelda games that could let you say anything you want to characters, and I thought if I said "Come out of the screen!" it would actually work!
One day when my mother locked the keys in the car at the supermarket, I said "Mom, just hit Re-set!" She decided I was getting a little out of touch with reality and cut down my video game time. I still sometimes wish there was a reset button in real life....
When we first got a home computer (a ZX81 back in the early 80s) I believed that if I typed the rules of the game into the PC it would 'play' the game. I proceeded to type in the rules for Monoploy, typed RUN and lo, and behold, nothing happened. I figured my mistake was not to number each line (10, 20, 30 etc...) so did the thing again....
For the longest time i thought that when you were playing video games and you versed the computer, an alarm went off, and someone out there would wake up and verse you (play against you)
top belief!
When the Sony Playstation first came out, I had only hear people talk about it and I never knew what it was. I always asumed it was a toy train. I couldn't understand why so many people wanted one!
I used to believe that when I would play a video game in 1 player mode that the other players (the computers) were other people from around the world. But back then there weren't much online games, so yeah.
I also believed for a while that the computer was a robot playing the game.
top belief!
When my dad bought a computer baseball game, the installer said to turn off the monitor until the computer beeps. I thought you had to do that because very scary pictures would come up, and you had to turn it off so you wouldn't see them!
When I was young my brother told me that the red dot was a video game charater.
When i was little ad I played video games, i always thought the other characters in the game were actually other people.
When I went to an arcade when I was about 2 or 3, I thought it was against the law for children to play the racing games where you have a steering wheel and pedal because they didn't have driving licenses.
When my brothers and I first got a Nintendo, we used to take turns playing Mario Brothers. They would tell me that there were "goodies" in the pits so that I would jump down them and die. Oh look, my turn is over.
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