i used to believe

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I used to mis-hear dialogue in films, and then never question it for years. For a long time, when Alderan was blown up in Star Wars, I thought the disturbance in the Force that Obi-Wan reacted to was millions of OYSTERS that had cried out in terror.

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I used to believe that the actors/actresses in black & white films would spend hours sitting in a make up chair having white powder spread all over them and black and gray accents would be added here and there to make them look black and white. i would think 'gee those prop guys must spend a lot of time painting the props/floors/walls black and white!' I never quite understood why they would spend their time doing that...but i soon came to figure that the film was black and white...go figure!

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So, I'm the only one in the world that spent over 20 years thinking they were Life Savers instead of Light Sabers in Star Wars, huh? And actually, at about 18 I decided they were Light Savers, even though they were completely made of light...yeah, I'm quick

Lisa the Stupid
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Even though I was already eleven years old, I was really terrified by the movie posters for "Carrie" when it came out. I didn't know anything about the story or why this poor girl was covered in blood. I assumed it was just one more random and scary thing that could happen to people. For a long time I was afraid that blood would suddenly come gushing out all over me for no reason.

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When I was a small child, I used to love to watch Godzilla movies. I thought they were like documentaries and I felt so sorry for all those people in Japan who kept getting attacked by Godzilla and the other monsters. I also worried about the day that they eventually made it over to California (where I live) and attacked us. I guess my parents should have talked to me more.

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I thought that in cinemas, all the dust particles that you could see lit up in the beam of light from the projector were actually thousands of little pieces of the film travelling to the screen to make the picture!

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When I was a little one, I believed that when people where on TV having sex, the real actors were replaced with life-like Robots. I thought it was impossible that a real person would ever take off their clothes off while being filmed, so they had to build robots to do the sex scenes.

Big Boi
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I used to believe that the credits at the end of a movie was a list of people in that were watching it.

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When I was growing up I adored the movie "Grease." For years and years I believed that John Travolta's name was actually Jontra Volta. I would wonder what in the world posessed his parents to name him Jontra.

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my brother and I used to chase each other round the table playing Star Wars - he was Luke & for years I thought I was "Daft Ada"

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I used to think that James Bond and all the other secret agents worked for MFI.

John C
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When I was younger, Grease was one of my favorite movies, and I was convinced that Olivia Newton-John was married to John Travolta in real life. I even had proof: she took his name, only she choose to take the "John" instead of the "Travolta."

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i used to think that since the movie screens in theatres were so big that there was a huge video player behind the screen and several people had to lift the gigantic tape into the player and then someone had to be shot out of a canon to hit the play button.

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As a young child my mother used to take me and my brothers to the movies a lot...to keep us quiet she told us that the lights in the middle of the aisles were motion / noise detectors, and if we moved or talked the lights would electrocute us. I was 11 years old untill I learned the truth.

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Someone else here used to believe this to..

i used to believe that the tiny bits of dust that show up in the light were bits of film. I was always scared in cinemas, what if someone ate an important part of the film?

film freak
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When I was a kid a friend of mine told me about this alien movie he had seen. In one scene the good guys were on a roof throwing Molotov Cocktails at the aliens. I didn’t know what that was, but didn’t want to ask either. I had this image in my head of people on a roof throwing Martinis at the aliens and wondering how that was going to help.

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I used to believe that special effects in films were done by people wearing camera-proof clothing who moved stuff around on the screen.

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I used to feel really sorry for poor old Will. In every war/movie/cowboy movie I ever saw, some nasty man would shout "Fire at Will!!!"
I wondered why he would agree to appear in so many movies if he knew he was going to be shot at......

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For a long time I used to believe (due to title) that "Gone with the wind" (1939) was about the people from "old times" who lost everything when tornado had destroyed their house and everything!

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When I was young my father told me that it was his job to pull the MGM Lion's tail and make him roar. I believed that for years and even bragged to my friends about it.

Raised in the 60's
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