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When I was little I used to believe that when the NPR station said "this program is brought to you by you, our listeners," I thought that they were talking about a kind benefactor named U.R. Listeners who always sponsered public radio.
When listening to the radio as a child, I often heard the d.j. stating that to win such and such prize, you had to wait for the "q-ta-call." I was unsure what the q-ta-call was...if it was a special noise or sound that told you when to call. A couple of years ago, a d.j. who spoke more slowly than the others helped me understand what a "q-ta-call" is....its the "cue to call."
When I was young and I listened to the radio, I never understood how they got all those musicians in one studio at the same time. Must've been awfully crowded.
I believed that my car radio was just a bunch of people who hid in my trunk to sing to me. But they always hid when I looked in the trunk.
I used to believe that there were little people inside my radio who sang the music. When my radio broke I figured they'd died. Imagine my surprise when I was opening my Christmas present and I got a new radio. How had they been able to breathe in the wrapping paper? I figured this one wouldn't work either, Santa had suffocated them.
when i was little, i used to believe that whenever my mother turned off the car radio the same song would still be playing when she restarted the car...restart at the same spot.
When I was a kid, I thought people who came on the radio were robots. Thats because I couldnt sing a note longer than them. NOW I can!
top belief!
When I was a child, I used to listen to a lot of books on cassette. But it took me a long time to understand the technology of cassette tapes and distinguish them from radio.
So I thought that whenever you put a tape in and pressed play, a light would flash at the desk of whoever was meant to read that tape, and they would read it to you over the radio.
I spent ages trying to catch them out. I was a bit of an arse towards Tony Robinson, making him stop and start, and rewind so often.
I used to believe that when you turned the radio off the same song that was playing would continue playing when you turned the radio back on.
i thought that when a song played on the raido it was also playing on mtv. one day i was at my house listening to the radio and the paula abdule song "opposites attract" came on, (which i might add was my favorite song at the time and i loved the music video with the cartoon cat) so i ran into the living room where my mom was vacuuming and started freaking out and yelling for her to put the TV on. i was very disappointed to find out that my favorite video was not playing on mtv the same time the song was on the radio.
My mother used to believe that there were very tiny people inside radios that gave you the news, or made the music, or whatever else went on. One day, she asked how the people got inside the radio, and people laughed. I believe that was about when she found out that there were no people in the radios.
I used to listen to the radio as a kid - unfortunately I didn't know you could change from AM to FM.... the station was always on Motown and the oldies.... I actually thought that the music was modern - i rarely even heard up to date music....
I used to believe that people were inside the radio. And when I say "radio" I'm referring to the electronic equipment.
I remember wondering how so many people such as DJ's, singers, and bands could fit into such a small space. :)
In our town we have a radio station that has had an ad that runs about selling ads on that station. The ad itself says "Radiads, the sound seller". Since I was a kid, I am now 36, I always hear tha ad as "Radiads, the sound cellar". I picture a dark cellar with lots of reel to reel tape and cassettes.
Also in "Papa was a rolling stone" I always thought that they sang, "...and when he died, all he ever left us was a loan". He left them in debt.
when i was around 5 years old when some one turned on the stereo that there was little people singing and dancing inside the holes then i would stick my finger inside try to get them
We listened to the radio a lot in my mom's car. I thought that when you turned the radio off, the DJ stopped playing the song. I would flip through the stations trying to find the song that we left off on.
There used to be a radio station in Cleveland that called itself Jammin' 92. I first heard of it around the year 1992. After that, I was confused as to why they were still using the 92 in their name when it was 1993. The station's frequency never occured to me.
When I got my first clock radio, I believed that, if I changed the time on the clock, then the news for that time would be broadcast on the All-News channel. For example, if the clock said 10 AM and it was really 4 PM, I would hear the 10 AM news.
The people talking on my mums radio were actually tiny people inside the radio - one man and one woman it seemed, about 2 inches tall. I couldn't figure out where the music came from, or how they kept so quiet when the radio was switched off.
Up until I was about 8 I thought that there was a tiny eclectic band that was trapped in radios. I always tried to open them to feed them, but I never could.
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