i used to believe

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When I was very young my mom used to listen to the Houses of Parliament broadcasts on the radio. I thought the politicians were 'army men' because they were so rowdy! (I still think there is a grain of truth in this.)

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I used to believe that when a person would listen a vintage radio, the "old-timers" music would play. I thought that since the radio was old, the music from it would be, too

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I used to believed that there are tiny people living inside the radio and read those news broadcasts. I used to spend a lot of time standing behind the radio (which is quite big at that time) trying to catch someone when they are out shopping. I have never spotted one, but I figured out that they did so when I'm asleep.

Ngan Tuyen
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When I was little, my dad told me that there was a one man band living in the cd player and he had a little piano as well. I could never figure out how he managed to play so many instruments and I would spend a lot of time looking through the ventilation slots for him. I also believed (stupidly) that the amplifyer was where the control man sat eating apples and twiddling the knobs. He He He

Stewart Hulme (Manchester)
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I used to believe that very tiny people sang inside a radio. One day when my mother was away, I took out our family radio and stuffed several pieces of raw fish inside its back compartment--hoping to find out whether the little people inside the radio would finally go out of the radio--when the fish starts to rot and smell.

Edwin S.
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I used to believe that the DJ on the radio was the same person all the time, 24/7, and that that he'd sleep during the advert breaks. I also thought that all the songs they played were performed live by the singers!

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when my mom would turn on the radio in the car, i thought that there were little people in the hood of the car singing for us.

drives with elves
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When I was a little girl I used to think that when I was listening to the radio, if the person in the next car over saw me moving my lips that they'd think I was the one on the radio singing!

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I used to think tiny little people were inside my mothers radio singing to me.

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when i was young I used to think that all the pop stars used to row out to the ship where Radio Caroline was being broadcast sing there song and then row back and that the reason the sound used to come and go was because the waves were really choppy and that the boat was going up and down.

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I used to believe that every radio played different things. When I was about 4, we got a new radio, and I was very excited. "I wonder what we'll hear on this one," I said to my mother. I couldn't believe it when she told me that every radio played the same stuff.

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I used to believe that people actually were inside the old radio and that you could look behind and see them. As a child my favourite music was bagpipes (still are) and whenever they were "on the air" and if I wasnt in the room, my brother would shout out,"Quick come and see them theyre marching past now", and I would run from where ever I was and just as I entered the room he would say, "Oh, youve just missed them, theyve gone now" I believed that bugger of a brother (I really loved him tho) for many many years!

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I used to believe that when the radio was on it was really just poeple on the roof of our car singing into the wires that connected into our radio and I never saw them because whenever we stopped they threw a rope onto a nearby cloud and floated away

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My dad works in radio, I didn't have a problem listening to him on air when he was at work. But the first time I heard him "on the radio" when he was at the house I got freaked out and thought that dad was a ventriloquist.

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when my twin and i were about 6 or 7 we thought when you turn the radio on in the car little people in the speakers would play instruments and sing! one time i figured out a way to open the speaker and i stuck my hand in it! i thought the little people bit me!!!

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When I was young I knew the songs on the radio were recordings. The singers were not in the studio at the time but I thought the commercials were done live. After all, the dj was really in the studio so why not the guys in the commercials too.

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I used to believe that when you listened to the radio in the car, the band you were listening to were shrunken down and preformed behind the speakers.

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when i was four or five i always believed that somehow the people on the radio
could hear me singing my own made up songs and would steal them .

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When I was young, I used to believe that the people were really singing inside the radio, and I could never figure out how they all fit inside and still managed to be able to sing (sort of crowded in there, you know...of course, radios were much bigger back then.)

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I used to believe little people sit inside the radio and sing the songs and stuff. When no one was around I used to check through the small holes so that I can talk to them.

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