i used to believe

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I used to believe when I turn the radio off, it stopped playing until I turned it back on again. And when I turned it back on it would start where it was when I turned it off.

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When i was very young in the early fifties I always associated the News with submarines. Around that period there had been some sort of submarine disaster and I must have heard my parents commenting on it.
I misheard on the radio "...and that was a submarine of the news" for "...and that was a SUMMARY of the news."

John McD
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when i was small my mom had this little box radio and whenever the radio came on that the people who were singing had special powers and transmitted from one radio to the next. i actually tried to open it a few times.

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i used to think that people lived in the speakers of a radio. so whenever anyone was singing, i would go right up to the speaker and try to look inside. on one occassion, i though i actually saw a gospel choir inside...god knows where the hell that game from...

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As a kid i always used to sit in the back of the car. We always had the radio on and i used to think there was little men living in the speakers and talking and we could just hear them through that. I used to imagine them all sitting there and reading from a script. I used to try and look in and see if i could see them in there but i never could : ( I never believed this for the home radio though, only the car radio.

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When I was little I used to believe that when the radio turned on in the car, that tiny people in the stereo would start to play the music I heard.

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When I was little, I used to think that if you listened to the radio and looked into the silver middle of a speaker, that you could see the artist performing the song.

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When i was little, i always thougth that in the car speakers, all the bands that were on the radio would pop up inside the speaker and really play music! Gosh...i was so dumb...

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I remember having a very vivid vision of little pop stars in the cassette player or radio when I was younger and this went on for a long time. I eventually figured out that when the Wombles had a music video out it featured them dancing around on their own record as it was being played. So at least I didn't make it up completely.

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I used to think that when a song finished on the radio it would play again on the next station

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when I was younger, I believed that there was a little band inside my ratio, and that everytime a song would play, it would be this group of little people with instruments playing all the songs. I always wondered how they played the songs so perfectly, and changed their instruments so fast.

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I believed that my car radio was just a bunch of people who hid in my trunk to sing to me. But they always hid when I looked in the trunk.

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My parents used to listen to National Public Radio all the time, and usually the ppl speaking would use their real names rather than radio personalities. There was this one guy, Allan Doud, who did the news in the early 90s, and my brother and I thought he was actually saying, "This is Howlin' Dude, with the news report from such-and-such." I remember the day we told our parents-my mother fell on the kitchen floor laughing and my dad peed his pants while running to the bathroom.

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I use to believe that the voices coming out of a clock radio were actual people living inside the radio. (I watched too much Electric Company)

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When listening to Terry Wogan on the radio, I used to think that the musicians/singers were there in the studio with him, as sometimes he'd make comments that sounded like he was talking to them. Things like "thanks for that, what a great song"

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When I was young and I listened to the radio, I never understood how they got all those musicians in one studio at the same time. Must've been awfully crowded.

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In storm broadcasts came on the radio I used to believe it was Helen Keller speaking. Let me explain. I read in a biography that when she learned to speak she sounded robotic because she did not know to let her voice rise and fall. On storm broadcasts the people talking sounded like robots talking which lead me to that belief.

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When I was little I believed that when they played a song on the radio the performers were actually at the radio station singing and when I turned up the volume they had to sing louder.

Princess Jamie
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I used to beleive that in order to pick up a radio station, you had to have it's bumper sticker on your car. As a DJ now, I'm glad this isn't the case.... because only a small amount of people actually display the stickers on their car! That wouldn;t work well when it comes to ratings time, would it?

Jeremy Mixer, WKIT Bangor, ME
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When I was little, my family had a very large, nonfunctioning old radio down in the basement. I was convinced that if we ever got it working again, it would broadcast all the music and shows from the 1930s because that was the era in which it was made and probably last worked. I held the "radio as time capsule" belief for years until I discovered that my mom's transistor radio made in the 60's easily tuned in all the greatest hits of 1983.

Reading Redhead
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