i used to believe

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I used to believe that if you unplugged the telly, your show would be paused for you and be waiting for you at just that spot when you returned home...

Eladrial Skeksis
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When I was little I thought the people on TV could hear me just like I could hear them. During game shows I would crouch next to the speaker and whisper things like "It's Number Three...Number Three!" Then I would get mad when they didn't pick the answer I told them to choose.

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When I was little, I wanted a two-story house and EVERY television show I watched had one in it. I tried to cut the TV open with a pair of scissors.I got in BIG trouble and we had to get it repaired.

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When I was a kid, the logo for channel 12 was an oval with the letters "WHYY" in it, and occasionally the station would show the logo and play music. I used to believe that the logo was actually a small dark-colored man with the logo as his head, and I was in mortal danger whenever the music would start to play. I was so afraid that he would come out and drag me into the TV! Needless to say, I never watched channel 12.

Strange artist cat lady
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i used to believe tv was real so i believed monstors on Doctor who were really going to invade earth and we were all going to die because in my eyes all programs were the news, i was relieved when my mother told me it was fiction

worried about tv
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I used to believe that if you broke a T.V. screen you could walk into the television show.

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when i was 5 or 6 my cousin told me that if you got to close to the TV when you where watching it vampires would come out of it and they would try to get you but noone could help you. I didn't watch TV for about 4 weeks after that.

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My grandmother told me when I was a child that, if I watch too much television my eyes would become permanently locked on the screen and I would “be stuck like that forever”. SO, whenever I watched TV or movies, I would divert my eyes every 3 or 4 minutes or so – either by closing them, hiding beneath a pillow or standing up in the middle of the room and facing the other way. There are whole swaths of children’s movies that I still have no idea how they ended or who most of the characters were.

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When I was a preschooler, I had to go with my mother to the grocery store on day. I didn't want to leave because I was watching cartoons on t.v. I figured out that if I turned the t.v. off, I would be able to watch the rest of the cartoon when I came home and turned the t.v. back on. When I got back home, I told my mother that I couldn't find the channel that my cartoon was supposed to be on. When she broke the news about the situation, I was devastated.

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top belief!

Remember the emergency alert system? How it would always say, "This is a test. Had this been a real emergency, this alarm would be followed by safety instructions" or something to that effect? As a kid I never EVER heard them say, "It's for real this time, no fooling around!" So naturally I assumed it was the government's practical joke on us and that the president and all his men were sitting in their offices giggling at how stupid we were.

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I saw on a cartoon, that if you sit too close to the TV it would suck your brain out, I sat too close to the TV to watch a video and later that night, I wonder if I still had a brain!

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When a TV station was having difficulty broadcasting and a voice came on and said to "Please stand by," I thought it was my fault the TV wasn't working and got up and stood by the TV until the TV was working again.

Guy H.
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When I was about 3 or so, I couldn't understand that TV shows and the news and stuff are still on even if you're not there to watch them. I thought that if I turned off thee TV and went to play outside, whatever I was watching would just start again when I came back.

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When I was in kindergarden I saw a commerical advertising a karate class and when I wasked how they got the footage my mom said there was a hidden camera in a karate class. The next day at school I told a boy there was probably a hidden camera in here watching us so we should dance. We did a little jig and talked to the ceiling for a while hoping to be on TV.

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One time I was watching TV and I got mad at something, so I threw a hair clip at the TV. I heard it land but couldn't find it, so I was convinced that it had fallen into the TV, where it would ignite and set the house on fire. I was sure that my mom and I would come home from our bike ride that day to find our house in ruins.

Later it was unearthed behind the entertainment center- who knew?

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I used to believe that when I turned off the tv (for dinner, to go to bed, etc), the program would pause and would be available when I turned it back on.

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I believed that when the "Test of the Emenrgency Broadcast System" (complete with high pitcehd soud) came on the TV during cartoons, that they were scanning for emergencies like Russian attacks, tornados and other natural disasters.

I waited anxiously until they announced that this had only been a test to be assured that no disaster was eminent.

Griff Bludworth
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When I was a kid, I thought my dad could control what shows aired on the TV.
One day I was sitting in front of the TV, and told my dad that I wanted to watch some show, so my dad picked up the phone and "called the TV-station" and asked if the could please put on the show I wanted to see. Right after the comercials, my show started, and I considered my dad as a very influental man, until i learned about programlistings.

Andreas Aaris-Larsen
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The first time I saw TV I thought that when I turned it on a few hours later I would see the program start at the point at which I had turned the TV off.

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top belief!

I grew up in the 1950's and our first TV was black and white. I knew there a was a disease called TB, and I misheard that as TV. So, as a little guy, I was terrified to sit too close to the TV and get TB. This was doubly hard on me as I was near sighted.

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