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Okay, you need to follow this one kinda close: When my sister was about 22, she and three other girls decided to move in together into an apartment. Well, one girl said she had a couch they could use. Another said she had a breakfast table. The other girl said they could use her microwave. My sister chimed in, "I'll bring my TV, it has cable."
I used to think that when the TV was fuzzy and black and white that lots of little ants were having a snowball fight
Me and my sister use to believe if we walked in front of a clicker when it was being used to change the channel we would be sucked into whatever program was on at that time. We ducked under the clicker everytime we walked past the tv until we were about 12.
I use to believe that some shows on tv the characters where actually puppets and people were behind my tv acting out the scences with their puppets.
Needless to say I wasn't the brightest child.
family story: when i was a baby my dad had a little show on telly. we were watchin the first ep together, and i was sitting on the floor next to my dad. when he appeared on the screen, i was amazed at his being in two places at once, but soon abandoned the real one for TV dad because on screen his face was bigger !
I used to be scared of Dan Rather on the CBS Evening News.
I used to believe that we couldn't watch television after 9 pm because all of the actors and actresses were naked, it was only when I saw channel 4 that I found out that this was the case.
When I was little, I used to believe that if I left the T.V. off, then a dinosaur would come and get me. I guess that's the reason I'm such a couch potato.
top belief!
When I was little I used to believe that our region had won some kind of lottery and the local news was broadcast nationally; and everyone else across the country had to patiently watch our news, hoping that their region would be selected next. It never occured to me that you could split the signal into different regions. My brother only pointed this out when I was explaining it to a Swedish visitor who was staying at our house, aged about 7. Quite worringly, I now work for the same broadcaster in the department responsible for regional broadcasting!
When I was around four years old, I thought that the television worked on the same principle as the cassette tape player. If you wanted to see a certain show (ex: Speed Racer), you had to leave the television on until it got to that show. Then you could either watch the show, or turn the televison off to "save" the show to watch later. It didn't take me long to figure out that this wasn't how it worked.
I used to think that on the News, the reporters didnt wear pants because they were behind a desk >.< Actually, I still believe that >.>
Ya know how there used to be little chocolate men in the advert for cadbury.Well it used to be on before coronation street and when i was little my mum sent me upstairs when coronation street was on so she could get peace.I never saw this rpogram till i was 7 so i thought all the characters were made of chocolate and my mum didn't want me to see them melt
I thought that when I was watching a cartoon on TV the cartoon would stop when I switched the TV off and start again at the exact same moment I stopped it at.
top belief!
When I was younger, I thought that the evening wear category of a beauty pagent meant pajamas because that's what i wore in the evening!! I was shocked when I actually watched a pagent one night. TO my dismay, the contestant were not wearing nightgowns!
top belief!
when i was younger my dad told me that if i waited patiently by the TV then i would get to see all the people leaving at the end of the night. I waited for them to come out!!
When the 'Pigs in Space' part came on in the Muppets I used to run screaming and hide behind the sofa, I hated that music it scared me to death.
When i was about 8, my mom fell asleep on the couch as she was wont to do and i was sitting in front of the TV and i think the movie had ended but all of a sudden a big SCARY clown face appeared on the shut-off TV and it scared the bejesus out of me because i thought it was real! OOOOHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh
When I was little, I used to believe that when i turned off the television at home... then everyones tv around the world would turn off too so they couldnt watch there programmes
top belief!
When I was a kid I thought that the newsreaders on satellite TV lived in the satellites.
I used to think that when the television station was having problems and they played the comericial that said 'Please Stand By' that you had to stand by the television. So, I did.
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