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i used to believe that if i was watching a cartoon on telly and went off for my dinner that when i came back and turned the telly back on the cartoon would carry on from where i had left it. the same applied for anything on telly.
I used to believe 'To Be Announced' was a real TV show. I'd read it in the TV guide, flip to the channel and wonder why they never did show it. I believed it until I was 17 or 18, when I asked my mom about it.
When i was little when there was a t.v. contest thing it always said, thousands will enter, few will win." Well I always thought it said, " Thousands will enter, you will win." So I always thought I was so smart cam up with a remark like, "Well what if I don't enter? Then I can't win"
As a child I used to believe all actors on tv were puppets and had lollypop sticks stuck to their heads moving them around. Then I wondered how they did that when their body wasn't the full height of the tv screen.
I thought that if you broke your tv, all the actors and characters and everything would come running out through your tv, and i wanted to break it so bad beacuse i wanted to meet big bird!
I used to believe that you could talk to the people on tv and that they would talk back. I am a basketball fan so when I was younger I would always yell at the players thinking that they could hear me and learn from their mistakes.
When I was in pre school I used to believe that if I watched to much tv then my eyes would turn square and pop half way out of my head.
I ues to believe that if I broke th TV the people would jump out and try to catch me.
I was exposed to violent movies at a young age so whenever someone would get shot, I thought that somekind of magic poison blood would come out of the gun and kill the person... nice thought for a 5 year old,huh?
I used to believe that if I broke the glass on the tv screen, I could go into the tv show...
I used to believe that when we left a room the TV set started to speak about other things
I used to think if you left your tv on at night that the people or cartoons would come out. One night I stayed up to see if I was right. I was mad that they were still on the screen.
When I was a child, my Dad placed a huge stuffed bear next to the TV. At least it was huge to me at the time.
Dad told me that if I touched the TV the bear would get me, and if my Dad couldn't find me then he would know what really happened when he wasn't looking.
I watched more bear than TV for the longest while.
Then came the remote control. ;-)
I used to believe that everything that was on t.v was on a videp tape and when we weren't looking a man put the video in our VCR.
When i was little i would watch a show where you would jump into the picture.
So when i finished watching the show i would pick a picture that was exciting to me and i kept on trying to jump into it.
i used to think that if you opened up the back of the telly you`d go into a whole new world
When I was about 3, I guess my ears were ringing one day, because it sounded like the high pitched whine of a TV. I told my mom that it felt like we were on TV.
I used to think that when some one lowered the volume on a tevelvision set,the T.V. would expolde in order to let the sound out.
When i was younger and i used to watch casper the cartoon, i felt bad that everyone always ran away from him since he was a i used to go up to the speaker and scream casper dont cry ill be your friend.and i got mad cuz he wouldnt talk to me.and the one time i yelled so loud into the speaker so he could hear me and i messed up the one knows what happened..
When I was younger I used to think that at 2:00 in the morning the power company would shut off all of the tv's in the world because i thought no one in the world would be up at that time.
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