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When we first had TV in 1953 and there was someone playing the pianon I used to believe for years the reflection was another pair of hands playing along with him.
when i was little my mother would tell me if, at the end of videos, when the television made that horrible prolonged beep, if i didn't turn off the TV RIGHT AWAY the tv would EXPLODE. haha on me.
Whilst watching the weather reports when I was a child, the summery would be read out at the end of the report. I always wondered why they did not call it the wintery, in the winter...........
When the drama and soaps production teams wanted to have either snow, rain or strong winds, I always thought that they had to wait for the weather to arrive. I thought that this was the case until I went on a back stage tour at Disney MGM Studios.
The TV said "we are having technical difficulties, please stand by." This meant the people watching TV should stand next to their TV.
I also used to believe that when shows appeared in black and white that the TV was just broken. At one point in my childhood my cousin had told me that I had turned the color off on the TV by pushing the wrong button and that I'd be in serious trouble when she told my mother. What a mean trick! :P
I am SOO glad that I am not the only kid who believed that the TV would stop when you turned it off and resume the same show when you turned it back on. I thought that until I was at least in 4th grade.
When I was a nipper, I'd occasionally catch the end of Emmerdale Farm of Crossroads, and, once the titles had finished, there would be still shot of a novelisation and the announcer would say that the latest book was "available from all good book-sellers". I thought he was saying 'book-cellars', and that you could only buy these in bookshops that were underground.
I used to believe that when my parents told me there was nothing on tv, there was 'nothing' on tv. If i did turn it on, it would just show a blank screen, not even a test card or white noise... just nothing.
When i was little I used to think that the people came out of the T.V. I never ever wanted to watch it. What a waste.
My mother told me that when you turned the TV off the people inside it could then have a turn at watching you. When I was alone I would cover up the TV with a blanket so they couldn't see me. I think my mother might really have believed this.
I beleived that television shows would pause when I stopped watching and resume at the same point when I came back to watch the tube. Because of short attention spans, I didn't realize the truth. One day I was very irritated to discover that a different show was on after a trip to town, and none of my friends at school saw the end of the episode that I had missed!
i found out that the people on tv were alive when i was eight.
top belief!
This isn't me, it's something my younger brother thought:
A couple years ago, my brother said that he liked our grandma's TV, because it had a bigger screen than our one. Why was that so good? He thought that smaller-screened TVs didn't show all the picture, some of it got chopped off. He had lived about 7 years in a house that has a few various-sized TVs and never noticed that the picture got smaller on smaller TVs.
I remeber I used to believe that if i turned the TV set off the programme I was watching would still be there waiting for me at the exact same spot when i was allowed to watch the TV again later, rather like a video/dvd today
In the first days of color TV, some shows were broadcast in color, while others were not. My grandparents were the only people I knew that had a color TV at the time, so it was quite a novelty for me and rather alien. When a show would be broadcast on their TV in b/w, I would tell my grandfather something was wrong. (After all, a color TV should display color at all times.) My grandfather told me each time that the set had run out of color and he would have to refill the bottles. I guess I believed that until I was nine or ten years old!
top belief!
when i was about 7 i thought that whenever i flicked to a different tv channel, everyone elses tv would change too. i used to flick back and forth between channels every few seconds so as to baffle the other viewers. i was an annoying child.
When I was little I used to think that if you spoke into the speaker on your TV set, the people on the telly could hear you.
top belief!
Although I never believed that there were actually people inside your tv, I thought that you could see the other channels by looking up the side of the tv screen, as if they were all in a big line, and when you changed channels they simply moved across.
I used to think that when you turned off the TV, the program would stop, and then resume the next time you turned the TV on. I never noticed that this never seemed to be the case.
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