i used to believe

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i used to think that when a tv show/ movie showed the younger/older version of a character, it was actually that person when they were older/younger and I wondered how they went back in time to film that part of the show

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When I was a child I thought all tv commercials were played live, in a studio, with an audience.

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When I was little I wanted to be an actress, then I found out that when actors don't want to be on tv shows anymore they will often kill the character off, I thought this meant that they killed the actor for quitting. I then decided that I would just never quit a tv show.

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I used to believe that if I turned off the TV it would pause the show I was watching so I could watch it later. I always got mad when I came back to find someone else had turned it on and made me miss the end of my show.

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I used to believe, having only one TV in the house, that televisions worldwide could only receive one signal at once, and that changing the channel would change it for all of them. This was my explanation for commercial breaks and the like.

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When i was watching 3s company growing up & we would change the channel & i would see john ritter on another channel i believed that he was running backstage to another show in between commercials. I was like gosh hes fast.

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When I was little I wanted to be an actress because I thought they shrink you and put you inside of a TV.

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I used to think it if I paused the TV on one channel, every other person who was watching that channel would get their TV paused too. I always wondered why no one else paused my TV

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top belief!

I thought the police could arrest you if your parents caught you watching a PG-13 TV show and you weren't at least 13 years old.

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as a kid [until age 7] I used to believed that the tv
reporters were literally sitting inside the tv!

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I used to believe that the saying "Your statutory rights not affected" I used to read on everything was actually "Your Saturday Nights not affected", so people would still get to watch their usual Saturday night TV.

Aberdeen, Scotland
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I used to believe that it used to be black and white in the old days because I used to watch black and white films as a kid

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When I was a kid I believed that every show, book, movie, whatever was real. I thought that it was all just a big documentary. I kept this belief until I was 11.

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I thought that when I turned the tv off all the shows would stop. Then start playing again when the tv was turned back on

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My sister and I used to believe that Lucille Ball was our grandmother because they looked a lot alike. We thought that somehow being a "redhead" meant having brown hair because our grandma's hair was brown and they were always talking about how Lucy was a redhead on I Love Lucy (which of course was in black and white.) We also thought a local store owner was Hulk Hogan from the WWF and a local beautician was Jenny Craig.

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I used to believe that I could get a big knife and cut open the TV screen, and the characters would come out of the TV to play with me.

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When I was younger, I always noticed that all the commercials on television were always of things we didn't have, whether it be some new toy or an insurance company. After we switched phone companies, we suddenly started getting commercials for our old company and stopped seeing the one we had switched to. It made me think that all companies kept track of what we had purchased so they could concentrate their advertising on those who did not have their product.

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My sister told me that pressing on the red button on the remote control would blow up the television. I believed it quite some time, I didn't lay a finger on that button for many years!

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top belief!

When I was very little, I asked my dad why there were commercials on TV. He told me it was to give the actors a break in between scenes. Totally bought it for a few years.

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I used to believe that back in the days, everything was black and white. I used to think this because of the old movies I watched growing up.

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