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I used to believe that during a newscast I could talk to the newscaster. I have a special bond with Peter Jennings as a result.
when i was about 4-6 years old i used to think that cartoons where peoples dreems..
I used to thing they connected selected people to special machines when they were sleeping...
When I was little I thought everything on TV was animated. I got into a lot of fights with my cousins over this !
When i was little i used to think that if you turned upside down you could look under a woman's dress on television.
i used to think when we would turn the television of it would pause on whatever i was watching. and when i turned it back on to continue watching the program it was different and i would yell at my mom for causing me to miss my shows.
As a kid I used to get really confused by advertisements that stated that a store was selling "Occasional furniture". I thought there must be some strange kind of vanishing chairs and tables that would only appear some times, sort of like the Cheshire cat... It was only later that someone told me that it was furniture for special occasions; to be used occasionally.
when i was about 6 when i watched the tv i use to think that tv was drawn by a man who lives inside the tv and owns alot of felt tips and paints. and when we lost signal that was him making a mistake and having to rub it out
When I was a little kid there was a soap opera called "Search For Tomorrow" that was on in the afternoons. I remember seeing a commercial for it and wondering how people were supposed to watch it *now* since it wouldn't be on until tomorrow.......
I used to think that in reruns the actors were actual performing again. It never occurred to me to think why they never aged or anything.
When I was little, I believed that T.V commercials were created to give the actors a break, then when the commercials were over, the actors just continued.
top belief!
When I was young, my parents believed that if you turned the vacuum cleaner on when it was next to the TV, it "would suck the color out of the TV". I really think they believed this. Of course, being a kid, I never turned the vacuum on near the TV.
My brother told his fiance that we had a kerosene powered television that we used before we had electricity and continued to use it whenever our power went out. This was in 1976. She was around 23 years old and believed him until we told her he was teasing.
I used to believe that everything on tv was fake, even the news
When i was a wee lad we would watch american cowboy westerns and they would state " that varmint has a price on his head" so i was always expecting a price ticket or spike to be stuck in his head like we would see in the butchers shop Weird huh
I used to believe that when someone died in a movie or tv show, they died in real life. Such an arbitrary belief, and i was equally shocked when i saw that person in another production.
top belief!
I used to beleive the "Please Stand By..." TV's show when they can't find a signal actually meant for you to get up and go stand by them, so I did.
When I was little, before I knew about TV schedules, I believed my brother had powers that controlled when the Simpsons came on.
When I was really young, my family would watch world news tonight with Peter Jennings. There was always an image of the earth behind him, and that plus the fact that he always knew what was happening convinced me that he was in fact God.
I use to think that tv was real and during commercials they would stand very still so they'd be in the same spot. And all the actors had twins that would live on another channel. And I thought they were watching me on their tvs
top belief!
When I was little an aunt told me I was so cute I should do tv commecials but I said no because I didn't want to be forced to go to the tv station to do the same 30 seconds of acting over and over and over again... (I thought tv commercials were live)
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