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I am apparently the most gullible person on earth....I used to believe that on the show "Bewitched", Samantha and her 'cousin' Serena were 2 different people. It was years before I realized Serena was just Elizabeth Montgomery in a black wig.
top belief!
When i first learned how to make flipbook animations in 1st grade, i figured that's how TV's work, there's a little wizard cramped up inside each set and at certain times he would flip certain flipbooks. I worried he was hungry and cramped.
When I was really small I had heard about a show called "Murder She Wrote." Not knowing what the word Murder meant at the time I thought it was someone's name and that the show was about some little girl who had just learned how to write.
I used to tell my dad that we should go rescue the people on Gilligan's Island.
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When I was a kid, I used to believe that the President chose the weather forcast and called the poeple on TV to tell them his choice, if it was going to rain or not. That's how the weather girls knew what it was going to be like tomorrow.
That's what the President was for. I couldn't find any other reason for his existence. I guess I've very been very good at science... or politics ;)
When I was young I used to believe that if you turned the TV off, the program you were watching would pause and you could continue watching it later, despite that I always turned on the TV to a new show.
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I used to think the message on some TV shows that said "Viewer discretion advised" meant you were supposed to be discreet about it and not tell anyone you watched it.
when I was younger i took for granted that judge judy was not a real person. When I was in kindergarten i found out that she was actually real, and told all my friends who were also very surprised.
I used to believe that if people on television went behind a privacy screen to undress you would be able to see them if you looked on the back of the television.
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I used to think TV actors would just wait around in the studio and jump into action when I switched on their channel. They did everything in one take and started acting in the middle of the episode if that's when I flipped the show on. I also thought that people on black and white shows actually looked black and white and performed on a black and white set.
When I used to watch tv I believed that the old movies that were in black and white were showing that the world was in black and white in the early 1900s.
I used to believe that when there was a kiss on TV or in a movie, that one person was kissing above the other person's lips and the other person was kissing below the other person's lips. I never thought they were actually kissing each other on the lips.
top belief!
When i was little the OJ Simpson trial was all they talked about on the news. I used to think OJ Simpson was somehow involved in the orange juice industry and when my parents would pour a glass of OJ I thought they were buying his juice and the news only talked about him so much because they wanted people to buy his juice and his juice company was having trouble.
I thought that actors and actresses had to have the same name as the character they were playing. I also thought that cartoon characters were real people who looked exactly as they do in the show, so I wondered how they found live people in all the different animation styles!
I used to think the commercials on when i was a kid about alien registration were about real space aliens. I did not figure out they were about declaring your immigration status until i was 12 or 13 !
I used to believe that Andy Griffith did the whistling at the beginning of his show while he and Opie were walking along with the fishing poles.
top belief!
I used to believe that you could break open the Television and get the toys
top belief!
When I was six my mom and I were watching a movie where the lead character might die. My mom said, "Don't worry, he won't die because he's the star of the movie and they never kill the star." I really thought that actors get killed in real life when their character is killed off. I tried to reason with myself about why they would want to be in a movie if they were going to die. I figured it was just for the money for their family.
I used to believe that when you were watching T.V.
when you changed the channel what ever was going on the channel you used to be watching froze. I know better now.
I thought that "To be announced" was the actual name of a show. When scrolling through the channel listings, it would always say "To be announced" by a lot of the news channels so I just assumed it was news show.
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