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i used to believe there was a little tiny man inside the video camera my dad used to use. so when no one was looking i would get really close and tap on the glass, asking if he was okay, or if he needed some bread. we have the evidence on film

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I used to believe that Wombles (from the show 'Wombles of Wimbledon Common' - all you Brits should be familiar!) were real.
Now, I was a smart kid; I didn't think that Wombles really went around in clothes and talked and so on. But I thought that they were real creatures on which the show had been based.
We lived in Wimbledon at the time, and my mum would often take me to the Common to look for 'Wombles'. She was of course just playing along with the belief that real Wombles in clothes and hats were cleaning up the park. However, I was deadly serious about finding a 'real' Womble, which I imagined was a small scurrying mammal.
My mum was very amused when, at 18, I was talking about how we'd never seen an actual Womble at the Common in all those years. I was actually pretty saddened to learn there was no such thing.

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My mom and I were watching country music videos when I was little. Hank Williams JR. cussed in a song, and I walked up to the TV and started hitting the screen. I thought he was inside the TV, and I was giving him a spanking for cussing.

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For several years I used to listen to the TV news reports of guerillas attacking people in Guatemala and Mozambique, but thought they were talking about gorillas.

Ian Steele
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i used to believe that in films ,when the scene changed,the people who were in the previous scene would freeze until it was their time to talk again

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I used to believe the Snuggle bear was real and wanted him to visit me, just like he did the kids on TV. I used to beg my Dad to buy Snuggle just so I'd get a visit from the Snuggle bear. Alas, he never bought it, and I never got a visit from my fun, cuddly pal. I used to get so upset that Dad was taking away my chance at meeting the Snuggle bear in real life!

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I used to think the commercials on when i was a kid about alien registration were about real space aliens. I did not figure out they were about declaring your immigration status until i was 12 or 13 !

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When i was watching 3s company growing up & we would change the channel & i would see john ritter on another channel i believed that he was running backstage to another show in between commercials. I was like gosh hes fast.

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I used to be totaly amazed that the news was on TV 'EVERY' day! I mean come on, your telling me that there is never a day when nothing happens, never!

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I use to think that if I sang the Animanicas theme loud enough Yakko Wakko and Dot (or people in costumes) would come over to my house and eat dinner.

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My dad purchased our first t.v. in 1948 and he was watching Peggy Lee I stood in front of the set and he yelled for me to get out of the way. Little did he know that i thought i could look down the front of her lowcut dress and get a free peek.

Young & Dumb
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I used to believe that Andy Rooney, of 60 minutes, was my real father!

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When my dad and me drove past the Crystal Palace tv transmitter tower. He told me 'thats where you get your telly from' and for years after I believed getting a telly involved climbing up the tower and asking a nice man at the top for a TV who would provide you with one. Risking you life for the luxury of owning a TV.

Marky D
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I used to believe that when a TV cameraman used his camera to film something, the image passed straight through the camera, through his eye and body and up to the transmitter aerial. I could never understand why the screen DIDN'T go black every time hewould blink. I even drew diagrams to explain my theories.

Harry Palmer
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When I was a nipper, I'd occasionally catch the end of Emmerdale Farm of Crossroads, and, once the titles had finished, there would be still shot of a novelisation and the announcer would say that the latest book was "available from all good book-sellers". I thought he was saying 'book-cellars', and that you could only buy these in bookshops that were underground.

Uncle Korky
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I used to think that the only things they were allowed to show on television on Sundays were golf and the news, because that's what my dad was always watching. I thought it was some religious thing and they weren't allowed to show anything that kids might enjoy watching.

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I always thought that Bill Cosby and Bing Crosby were the same person, or, more accurately, if someone said 'Bing Crosby' I assumed they meant 'Bill Cosby', but didn't know how to pronounce it properly.

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When I first heard the expression "No news is good news" I took it literally and whilst watching tv one day my mom asked me what I was watching and I answered 'good news' thinking that because I wasn't watching the news then I must've been watching good news!

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When I was younger I used to think that at 2:00 in the morning the power company would shut off all of the tv's in the world because i thought no one in the world would be up at that time.

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When I was a child, my Dad placed a huge stuffed bear next to the TV. At least it was huge to me at the time.

Dad told me that if I touched the TV the bear would get me, and if my Dad couldn't find me then he would know what really happened when he wasn't looking.

I watched more bear than TV for the longest while.

Then came the remote control. ;-)

Bear Survivor
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