i used to believe

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I used to think that Rolf Harris (the artist) and Colonel Sanders (of KFC) were one and the same person - they do look very similar I think you'll agree!

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I used to think that if I watched too much TV, I would forget how to read. Sometimes when I was sick and had spent the whole day in front of the TV, I would grab a book to check if my reading skills had worsened.

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I used to think when someone on TV said "brought to you by so and so company they were actually saying "brocktued by". It took me a while before I figured out brocktued wasn't a word.

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when i was younger i always thought tv was invented when i was born just for me, as a birthday present. which made me question what my parents did for fun before me?

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When I was a kid, I used to believe if you were watching TV, and you turned it off, it paused.

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I used to think that i really would go blind if i sat too close to the TV and I would ask my friends moms if they would take care of me if I went blind

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when i was little i used to check behind the tv to see if i could find the place where all the people got in at.

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There was this show in the 90's about Mary-Kate and Ashley being detectives or something. When I was really young I would always sit through the whole episode looking for Kate. (I thought Mary-Kate was two names. Like there was three girls, Mary, Kate, and Ashley.)

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Until I was about 14 and studied Geography in school, I was convinced that the weather lady on the TV was saying "in the eyes of our chart" instead of "on the isobar chart"...

Laura Mc
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I used to believe that when you were watching T.V.
when you changed the channel what ever was going on the channel you used to be watching froze. I know better now.

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My brother told his fiance that we had a kerosene powered television that we used before we had electricity and continued to use it whenever our power went out. This was in 1976. She was around 23 years old and believed him until we told her he was teasing.

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I thought that when I turned the tv off all the shows would stop. Then start playing again when the tv was turned back on

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I used to believe that it used to be black and white in the old days because I used to watch black and white films as a kid

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my parents told me that tv was black and white when they were younger, and I just assumed they used to be black and white too

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When I imitated something from a TV show, my mother told me, "Don't copy what you see on TV."
I thought this was a strict rule for about two years and I told her off for singing the theme tune to a TV show.

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My parents used to tell me watching television turns your eyes square.

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I used to believe that when you wanted to watch a TV show, it would wait until you turned the TV on and only start when you were ready.

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I used to believe that if you stood under a satellite TV dish while someone changed the channel, you would die.

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I used to believe that all tv shows were live and that repeats were the actors/actresses doing a very good job.

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My father told me that the people on TV actually worked at the top of the TV towers. I used to worry about them when it was a windy day, thinking they are all going to fall off of the tower.

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