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i used to belive that pay-per-view was paper view.
Until I was about 5 years old I couldn't figure out how it could be nighttime on TV when it was actually daytime outside, and the other way around.
I babysat a child who told me the tv watched him and would tell on him when he did something bad. Perhaps his parents told him that, or he got that from a kid's show where the host said "hello" or "happy birthday" to a child with the same name. It made him a very well behaved child.
When I was about 10, for whatever reason, my mum believed that I thought weather forecasters presented the weather on TV from a spaceship that looked down on earth. So, she told me that the earth behind the weather presenter wasn't actually that big. But, unknown to her, I knew they were in a studio with a computer screen behind them. So from then on I believed that the map behind the weather presenters wasn't actually there - it was a tiny screen that was magnified just for us and the weather presenter couldn't actually see the magnified version. They just had to guess where to point to on the map.
my dad told me when i was younger that if i watched tv for two long my eyes would change colour and turn square but i didnt believe him until when i asked my mum what colour my eyes were she said bluey green i was freaked out and didnt watch tv for a week!!!! (long time 4 me!)
I believed that when the "Test of the Emenrgency Broadcast System" (complete with high pitcehd soud) came on the TV during cartoons, that they were scanning for emergencies like Russian attacks, tornados and other natural disasters.
I waited anxiously until they announced that this had only been a test to be assured that no disaster was eminent.
I saw on a cartoon, that if you sit too close to the TV it would suck your brain out, I sat too close to the TV to watch a video and later that night, I wonder if I still had a brain!
When I was little I thought the people on TV could hear me just like I could hear them. During game shows I would crouch next to the speaker and whisper things like "It's Number Three...Number Three!" Then I would get mad when they didn't pick the answer I told them to choose.
I used to think tv shows are 'installed' into the tv of each country.
So when I went oversea, I though I should have brought my own country's tv so that I'll be able to watch the local shows back home.
When I was little, I was scared to death of sleeping infront of a TV that was turned off. I thought that when the TV was off, a giant humanoid space ant would crawl out, and drag you back into the TV. It got so bad that I ran down the hallway screaming once and I peed on the carpet.
When I was a kid, I used to read through the TV guide and newspaper looking to see what would be on. I always wanted to see what show "To Be Announced" was, but something else was always on instead...
When I was a kid, like 4 or 5 years old, I believed that i can broke a TV screen and then went through it to any place that was on the TV at the time.. I actually planed on really doing that when some big square with a lot of pigeons show up on a TV... :)
When I was a little I thought TV was full of tiny books and we would watch one every day
I used to believe that, if you were looking at the tv, and if there was a group of people and the camera was scanning along them, and if it went past someone you thought you knew, you could walk up to the tv and look into the screen sidway's and you would see them... teeheehee!
When I was about 6 my dad was a presenter on T.V. Whenever his program was on I used to jump and wave and start talking to him! I still do even though I know it's not real!=^-^=
once i told my bro when he was 6 i think that if you jumped into the tv you would actually be in whatever show you were watching. he tried it lets just say my parents were not too impressed
I remember watching a baseball game and thinking that if a foul ball hit the TV camera, a baseball would come through the TV in every household that was watching that game. It seemed like this would be a great way to distribute certain items (like food) around the world.
I used to think people didnt actually kiss on tv,i thought that the computer just made it look that way.
After stubbornly not leaving when ER came on TV, my mother tried to make me feel better about all the blood and gore by saying "it's ok, its not real"
For years after i thought blood and guts and even my brain wasnt real, and real people were hollow inside.
while watching movies when the people in their didn't know who the culprit was but we knew it. I thought I could impress them by going inside the television and telling them who the culprit is..
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