i used to believe

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I thought that my TV was a hotle for leprachauns. And when there was a show on TV that was the little people in the TV paying us with a performance. I had digital cable so i figured we must have had a five star hotel in order to have so many guests.

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When I was little, I used to believe that the names of the charactors an actor played on tv were their real names and the names showned in the credites didn't have anything to do with the actor.I growned out of it some years ago and came to learned that the names showned in the credites are the actors real names.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that every TV show or movie was actually taking place in another dimension. I believed that the people there were other versions of the people in this dimension, and that every time a new show came out, a new dimension was created. I'm 18, and I still kind of believe this.

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I thought that the people on television didn't exist at all because my parents always used to tell me they were fake.

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I used to believe that at the end of each day all of the TV shows on a particular channel would rewind on air, like a video.

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when i was a kid the show "little house on the prarie" was my biggest sorce of confusion, i just didnt understand how they could make a tv show with no electricity....

natasha rene'e
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When I was little I used to think that everything you saw on TV was actually inside the TV. Like little people and all those yummy chocolate bars from the Moro adds, and I thought you had one opportunity to smash the TV glass and then you could have whatever was on TV at the time. So I watched the TV for years waiting for the best thing to come on so I could smash the TV but I knew it had to be really really special, so I kept waiting for the most perfect thing... Luckily I never ended up smashing the TV.

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I used to believe that you could climb into the television and you'd end up where ever it was that was on the screen.

Michelle C from Michigan
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I used to believe that black backgrounds on talk shows were endless voids and I used to wonder how peopel weren't scared by them and how they didn't fall into them.

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i thought when i was a child, that when you watch something on TV, EVERYONE was watching it, at the same time. Everywhere.

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I used to believe that if I turned off the TV or changed the channel, the whole street's TVs would change too and that our neighbors would be so mad at me and come after me. Once, my mom turned off the TV and I threw a fit saying that the neighbors were going to come get us. She just laughed at me though.

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When I was little I used to think that they policed what you watch on TV and know who's watching what. When my family sat down to watch smokey and the bandit even though it was an ADULTS ONLY movie I thought we were gonna get in trouble with the police because I wasn't an adult

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I used to think that all those people typing subtitles were extremely quick. I thought the subtitles for each scene were only typed out when that particular screen was shown. Hence the many mistakes too.

Bernice Lim
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When I was four, I adamantly believed that turning off my television would consequently turn off any other television in the neighborhood.

Needless to say, "Turn the TV off!" was a statement heard often around my house.

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I used to believe that if you lay down under the TV and looked up at the screen, you'd see up people's clothing. And I also used to think that at the end of the cookery program, you'd be handed a nice cake to eat through the screen.

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When I was little I didn't understand that TV stations only advertised their own programs, so I would get really annoyed when they'd say when a particular show was on but never mention what channel. I used to get so frustrated tuning in and going through all the channels until I found the show I wanted!

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I convinced my sister that you could give someone cancer by pointing a TV remote control at them and holding a button down for about a day and a half. This in itself is comical enough, but she took it to the extreme conclusion that it gives you cancer if it's pointing in your general direction for any length of time, whether or not a button is being held down. To this day she still insists on having remote controls point away from her.

Jim, UK
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When I was little I loved the muppet show. The time that the show came on where I lived was 6:30. Where both hands met at 6:30 on the living room clock was a word that began with the letter "M". Knowing very few letters at the time I thought that the word was "muppet" and that that would be the time that my tv show would always came on.
One day I was really upset when it did not come on when both hands on the clock were pointed on "muppet". Looking back on it know it was probably a weekend when the regular programs during the week are not played.

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I used to believe when I watched TV the people or cartoon characters I saw would come to my house and act behind the TV. When they "put" on a commercial I would yell at them.

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When I was 5, my father put a TV antennae on the roof of our house (this was the early 70's and we only had the rabbit ears until then). A few weeks later, my favorite TV show at the time had its series finale. For the longest time, I would beg my father to take the antennae off the roof, knowing for sure that if it was gone, my show would come back on.

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