i used to believe

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when we were little, me and my sister thought that if you ran into the tv really fast, you could jump in it. laughing at this, we were at our friends house and shes got a 3 year old niece. we told her that mickey mouse wanted her and to go in. "no! mommy will miss me!" she said. we told her to come right back out and she actually tried...i know, we're mean..

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que les gens à la télé pouvait nous entendre. Je les trouvais très mal poli, ils ne me répondaient jamais.

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My dad was a handy-man, construction worker, and mechanic. Because he was always fixing things around the house and working on projects like re-building motorbikes, I thought he could build ANYTHING. I also REALLY loved cartoons. So one day, I had the greatest idea. I asked my dad to please build a button on the television that transported me into the cartoon I was watching when I pressed it. He rubbed my head and jokingly said he would do it. I actually thought he would.

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A friend of my brother & me used to insist that ITV was called BBC3.

Most people in the UK tune this channel to the 3rd preset on their TV, which I guess confused him.

Richard Davies
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when i was 4 yrs. old, i thought that there are small people on the television so i was scared when our television was opened for a wiring check. i thought that the bad guys on T.V. will kidnapped me. XD

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when i was 4 yrs. old, i thought that there are small people on the television so i was scared when our television was opened for a wiring check. i thought that the bad guys on T.V. will kidnapped me. XD

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when i was little i used to think Americas Funniest Home videos was fake

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I used to want to be the same age as bart simpson or any other fake people on tv. And then I found out that some fake people stay the same age

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i assumed that when I turned the TV off, the show would stop, and never understood why, when i turned the TV back on after dinner, my cartoons were gone and the evening news was on instead. :(

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I thought the guy who got shot at the beginning of Gunsmoke was replaced every week by a live guy.

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I used to believe that all the shows on TV were happening live at the time I was watching them, so when my bed time came, I would make the case that the kids on TV didn't have to go to bed yet, so why do I have to?

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When I was about five or six my older sister told me that when I watched TV it was really little people inside and for years I was terrified that they where watching me undress.

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I used to believe that back in the days, everything was black and white. I used to think this because of the old movies I watched growing up.

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I used to believe that the saying "Your statutory rights not affected" I used to read on everything was actually "Your Saturday Nights not affected", so people would still get to watch their usual Saturday night TV.

Aberdeen, Scotland
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I used to like "Gilligan's Island" as a kid, and one time they revealed the Skipper's real name ( Jonas Grumby) I think in a radio announcement. I misunderstood and thought they said the Skipper was "KNOWN as Grumby" which I believed for years.Also I thought Gilligan's name was "Gilligan Mulligan" like the stew.I don't know where that came from.

Gilligan for dinner
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I used to believe that all DVDs contained the characters inside them. When you played the DVD, the characters would come and act like they are on a play. This belief disappeared when I found out how DVDs and videos work, when I was around 8 or 9 years old.

Mahaer Mahmud
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In my childhood I used to think that all the superheroes I saw on television existed in real life

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When I was a little girl, I used to believe that there were little people behind on TV moving all the time

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As a child I believed I could get sucked into the television.

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I used to think that the TV show "Shark Tank" involved actual sharks in a tank.

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