i used to believe

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When i was a kid i saw a drawing representing a Proteus holding fire on his palm. That led me to believe for years that any fire seen on tv and movies is fake and cold to touch.

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I used to believe that a little man in our t.v. ran a film of whatever movie was on. So when I left a really good movie I would unplug the t.v., come back hoping to see the rest of the movie where I left off. Never really worked...

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As a young child I believed that actors didn't look anything like the characters they portrayed. They were all wearing elaborate rubber masks (think Mission Impossible) designed to make them look like the writers' imaginings of their characters.

Grumpy Mr. Gruff
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i thought that all of the shows on tv where played live even when someone died. sad, i no.

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I used to believe that the cool aid man was evil and he'd break through my wall and get me.

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I was wondering how are all those people going inside the TV .. I wanted to go in there too and i thought there is a little door on the back of the TV and that i have to find the cookie for becoming smaller (the one from alice in wonderland) so i can get inside.

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I used to think that the people in the Domino's Pizza sponsorship ads on The Simpsons were meant to be the actual characters themselves and that it was Homer who said 'woohoo!' when the doorbell rang.

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I used to watch Eastenders in the 90's, and when Grantand Tiffany had their baby girl, named Courtney, my mum said 'it's not really Tiffany's baby, it's someone else's really', I thought she meant that Courtney really had different parents and they must have adopted her, even though she actually meant it was just a baby used for acting!

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When I was really little, I misheard "brought to you by" as "broctayu by", thinking broctayu was all one word. I thought it meant something like "affiliated with", as in "these products we're showing commercials for products we liked enough to use on the show". I wasn't entirely wrong, but I had a very naive and simplistic view of it.

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When I was very young, for some reason, I thought if you had a gun and shot your television, you would be able to climb inside it and play with all your cartoon friends!

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My friend, Angela Smith, used to think that you had to take a tablet to get small enough to appear on television! ( I just *knew* that was silly!!!)

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I was sure that all television stopped broadcasting when I turned off our set. I was extremely egotistical, evidently.

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My father told me that a local TV transmitter tower was where space rockets were launched from. For years I watched the tower to see the next moon launch.

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I used to believe that you were not supposed to laugh out loud at TV sitcoms. I think because no one laughed when there was a laugh track.

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Until I was 9, I thought shows that came on the tv were being performed at that very time. Live. So...I also thought all the bands were at the radio station.

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I used to belive that if we break the television we could enter in the filme our in the programs that tv was playing

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I used to believe there were little people inside the television and the radio that werew acting and making the sounds inside them. I used to try and crawl behind the tv and squint to look into the vent to see the little people. I even took a radio apart to try and find them.

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My mom use to tell us if we sat close to the TV we'd have to wear glasses. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I don't sit close to the TV, and I wont let my kids do it either.

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I used to think that when I was watching tv and I turned it off that when I put the tv back on it would be the same show at the same point as when I turned it off.

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When i was little I used to think that the people came out of the T.V. I never ever wanted to watch it. What a waste.

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