i used to believe

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Throughout my childhood until I was about, oh I'd say age 10, I always belived that the laughter I was hearing on the TV during certain programs, such as sitcoms, was coming from other peoples homes as they too watched the same show. Who knew there was a such thing as a "live studio audience?"

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when i was younger i used to believe that whenever i watched t.v or a movie especially the people acting or using their voices in the animation (or w/e) were doing it at the exact moment that i was watching it, like it was being recorded live and transmitted into my t.v. and i used to say to myself "wat a sad, sad job they must have- running to the studio every time someone wanted to see the movie...." hehehe silly 'ole me... :-D

i know i know im STILL a dork :-D
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At the end of Disney movies, they would always show the "And" symbol, &. Like "in assosioation with Disney & Lupin the Third", or whatever....Well, When the & came up, I thought that if I didn't rewind the tape or turn off the TV, that movie would never play again.

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I used to believe that if people on television went behind a privacy screen to undress you would be able to see them if you looked on the back of the television.

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When I was little, before I knew about TV schedules, I believed my brother had powers that controlled when the Simpsons came on.

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When I was little, I believed that T.V commercials were created to give the actors a break, then when the commercials were over, the actors just continued.

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I use to believe that the local news on the weekends were reruns of the news played during the week. Not sure why...

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I used to think that I could break the TV and walk inside of it to be in sesame street.

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I used to believe that when a show would ask something, they can hear our response. For example: "How many sides are in a rectangle", I wouldn't say anything but, the character would be like,''I can't hear you!" It freaked me out so much and from that day, I would scream at the t.v, telling the characters what to do!!

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When I was little I had a tape recorder that I would listen to at night. When it got to the end of a tape, it jammed up sometimes and made a loud chattering sound. I took this to be teeth chattering, and imagined that a skeleton lived under my bed(I had a waterbed, so I don't know how he got underneath, but he did.) Then I got an idea that made me feel better. I knew that cartoons were a lot of drawings played at high speed, so I figured all TV was made this way. The skeleton started living inside the TV and 'changing the papers' so we could all watch the TV set...

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I used to believe that when I was watching a tv program and I had to turn the tv off when it was time for dinner, when I turned the tv back on, the program would start at the same spot where I had left off!

Marci Parsons
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When I was about 7 years old, our television set broke. My Mother decided that she would drive over and borrow my Grandmother's set, since said Grandmother was on vacation and obviously wouldn't be using it. I didn't see the point in this, since my Grandma's set was very old and subsequently we could only watch old shows on it, not the new ones I wanted to see.

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i used to think that when i turned on the tv, the actors would have to wake up and act just as long as my tv was on. when it was off, they did whatever.

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When I was about 3 I believed that I could talk to whoever was on the TV by talking into the speakers. When they didn't respond i figured it was because he wanted to get on with his job. Then my mum told why I couldn't talk to him. I was majorly bummed.

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When I was 4, I would watch Barney every morning before preschool. One day, there was some error, and I got the "Please Stand By" screen. So, I stood by the TV for about 15 minutes before my mom told me I wasn't really supposed to stand by the TV.

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I used to think that when I turned the TV off everything on the other side would just stop and wouldn't continue until i turned the TV on again! I used to get quite confused when I turned it on after dinner and something different was on!

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As a child I often wondered how the actors were able to replay and re-enact the same scenes identically. This was before I understood the concept of RERUNS.

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When i was little i would watch a show where you would jump into the picture.
So when i finished watching the show i would pick a picture that was exciting to me and i kept on trying to jump into it.

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I used to believe that everything that was on t.v was on a videp tape and when we weren't looking a man put the video in our VCR.

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When i was little when there was a t.v. contest thing it always said, thousands will enter, few will win." Well I always thought it said, " Thousands will enter, you will win." So I always thought I was so smart cam up with a remark like, "Well what if I don't enter? Then I can't win"

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