i used to believe

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I was a quite odd child..
My parents allowed me to see pg-13 rated movies with them..
So whenever I had seen a movie that I had liked with an actor I had admired,
I would go home and pretend the actor was in bed with me.(doing nothing)
Just lying there with me..

Odd One
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I used to think that a television show would stop when you turned off the set. This meant you could watch it for a little while, go play, and then pick up where you left off when you returned. I was devastated to learn that life revolves aorund the programming, rather than the programming around life. I never saw the end of that episode of Fraggle Rock...

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I used to think EVERYTHING on tv was live, which led to thinking that every time they showed a comercial, they had to get the same actors and everything to do it over again. I thought they had to redo it everytime it was shown... this continued untill i finally asked someone, "wouldn't it be hard to make a comercial be exactly the same every time??" lol

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I used to believe the when you heard people clapping on television shows that they were other people at home watching tv just like me. So I used to laugh outloud in hopes that others were hearing me.

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I used to think that the shows on TV (even cartoons!!!!) were all happening at the same time i was watching them.

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When I was younger, I believed that the people in TV commercials were the first people to buy the product; therefore they got to advertise for it. Whenever I saw a new item in the grocery store I would beg my mom to buy it, just so we could be on TV.

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When I was little, I believed that the world was black and white back when my father was young. We used to watch t.v. and all of the old shows that my dad liked was black and white. I asked him one day, daddy how old were you when the world turned color? He had a good laugh, but he didn't tell me the truth. I was probably 7 or 8 and it was years before I figured it out.

James D.
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When I was about 3 or 4, I thought that a TV worked because there were little people behind the TV. So whenever I was watching Sesame Street or something, I'd look behind the TV and be confused as to why there were no people there.

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i used to believe that if you smashed the tv you would be able to reach into whoever was on the screen

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when i was younger i used to try and hatch a plan on how i could get into the tv! i thought if i smashed a little hole in the corner of the screen i wouldnt get wrong because they would be happy i was on the telly lol...strange i know

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I was 14 when I figured out that cable tv is not a free public service and that it costs money.

Karla Wright
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When I was really young, my family would watch world news tonight with Peter Jennings. There was always an image of the earth behind him, and that plus the fact that he always knew what was happening convinced me that he was in fact God.

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I used to believe that the television paused when I turned it off. However, one day, I swore to myself to test this, and after pre-school that day, much to my dismay, a different show was on when I turned the televison on. Why wasn't TIVO invented earlier!

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I used to believe that there were little people in the T.V. My mum was watching a horror movie when I walked in. There was a person with a gun aimed at the screen, yelling something. I got so freaked out, I thought she was about to be shot! I called the police, and when they came, they thought it was so funny! Now, I know better. :)

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I used to believe that if you turned the TV off when you turned it back on it would be at the spot where you left it. I was very upset when I turned the TV back on to watch Rescue Rangers to find that it was Terry Wogan's chat show instead.

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I used to believe that when you turned off the TV, the show you were watching paused. When I came back home from doing something, I always got pissed at my family b/c I thought that they turned the TV on.

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When I was 4, I thought the person who was in the TV was going to go out. LOL

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i used to turn the tv off before i went to school in the morning and belive that it would stop the program i was watching and then start it again when i got home and turned the tv back on.

Brian Conley
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I used to believe that the news reader on TV in the 80s (Lenon Parkin I think her name was) was called Lemon Parker! She came on the TV and mum asked me in front of others "who's she" and everyone laughed and I didn't know what was so funny!

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i used to believe tv was real so i believed monstors on Doctor who were really going to invade earth and we were all going to die because in my eyes all programs were the news, i was relieved when my mother told me it was fiction

worried about tv
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