i used to believe

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I used to believe that if you unplugged the telly, your show would be paused for you and be waiting for you at just that spot when you returned home...

Eladrial Skeksis
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My Dad had me convinced that the "First-Down Line" on the screen during football games on TV was painted on by a guy who ran across with a yellow paintbrush real fast, and when it was time for the line to disappear, he had to run back down real fast again and paint it green to match the grass again. He was the fastest runner because he couldn't get in the football players' way and interfere with the game. I never paid close enough attention and didn't catch the line actually appearing/disappearing until I was 14 years old, what a shock that was! I was amazed that my dad kept it going for so long.

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I used to believe that if you sat too close to the TV then your brain would melt and you would die.

Kelley Wysokowski
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When I was a child I thought all tv commercials were played live, in a studio, with an audience.

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I used to believe that fictional characters weren't real, or in other words, weren't aware of the audience's existence. So I used to wonder why people write letters to fictional characters if they can only read letters from other characters.

Trisha Gaurav
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I believed that our old television (with dials on it to change the channel) used to have a number "1" on it. Despite evidence to the contrary, a dial with numbers "2" through "13", I would from time to time ask my parents whatever happened to channel "1".

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I always thought there was a magic way to step into the television from behind, but could never account for the shrinkage in size I noticed with most of the characters. It puzzled me for so long where that entrance was too, seing as how after looking behind the tv i could see no remote openings.

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This one's really stupid, especially as I wasn't so much a kid as a guy in my late-teens at the time, but when satellite tv first came out, I thought the presenters were actually on board a space station/satellite and were recording the programmes from up there...

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When I was very young I believed that the tv show would stay right where I left it when I turned off the tv and went back to turn it on later to watch

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I used to think that if you got up real close to the YV and looked up, down or to the side you would be able to see "around the corner" of the screen to see what was going on. I remember it took me several tries to realize this was not the case...:-)

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When the 'Pigs in Space' part came on in the Muppets I used to run screaming and hide behind the sofa, I hated that music it scared me to death.

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When I was a child, I used to believe that if you turned off you r tv during a show, that the show would "halt" where it was, and as long as no one turned on the tv before you got back to it, you could continue watching your show from where you left off. I used to think that someone turned the tv on when I was away, making me miss the rest of my show... This was before video recorders were availabe to the general public...

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I used to believe you could go into the back of the TV & pull the people out

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that i could jump into a tv i got this idea by wathing bluse cluse

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growing up... i used to think every time we left our home after turning off the tv... i would be able to continue watching where i left off...thinking the power button was a puase button also when playing the radio i thought when batteries went bad the song would still play on radio just only slower lol

jose roldan
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I used to think the people in TV could see me and that the violence was real in movies. I also believed that TVs stop programming "late at night" when I go to sleep, which was around 9PM.

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I used to think that all the charaters on T.V. were real.

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When I was in kindergarden I saw a commerical advertising a karate class and when I wasked how they got the footage my mom said there was a hidden camera in a karate class. The next day at school I told a boy there was probably a hidden camera in here watching us so we should dance. We did a little jig and talked to the ceiling for a while hoping to be on TV.

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I used to believe that if you broke a T.V. screen you could walk into the television show.

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When I was about 5 or 6, I was watching the Disney Channel before I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning and turned on the tv, the same show was on. this led me to believe that when you turn off the tv, it pauses and you can watch it later if you turn the tv back on. I only believed this for a few months.

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