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My dad watched a lot of Star Trek when my little sister was young. She used to do the Vulcan hand salute and say "Live long in Frostburg!" - Frostburg being the small town where our grandparents lived. It was so cute that no one had the heart to correct her, so it wasn't until she was in her teens that she figured out it was supposed to be "Live long and prosper". She's still a little annoyed at that one!

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I used to think that when Ernie on Sesame Street woke up and smacked, that he always woke up with a cookie in his mouth. I always wondered how I could do that.

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As a little kid, I was very fond of Gumby, and decided that when I grew up, I wanted to be him. I even used to practise that one-footed slide he does on his show (I fell down a lot). No one told me that this wasn't a valid career option until I was 7. =)

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My dad was a big fan of the original "Star Trek" when I was a kid. The opening, as you probably know, states the five-year mission of the Enterprise: "to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To *boldly go* where no man has gone before." Well, I thought their five-year mission was to reach this planet called Boldlygo, and that the show was simply chronicling their adventures along the way.

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I was 6 or 7 when "Roots" came on. Everybody who was ever on TV was in it, and everybody in the country watched it. I guess it didn't occur to my parents that a mini-series about slavery might include some pretty uncomfortable stuff. At any rate, the scene where the slave drivers whip Kunta in order to get him to accept his new name? Well, after it was all over one of the actors said, "We sold off what was left of him." I thought they had whipped him so hard that he came apart, and they sold his body for meat! I was absolutely horrified that my parents weren't nearly as outraged as I was.

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When i was about 8 my nan and grandad used to watch a programme called *prisoner cell block H* well i remember thinking "Why dont they just sell the block H?" I thought it was an actual object...yep i was a weird child lol

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My sister and I would watch the Power Puff Girls when we were younger, and in the Theme Song, this Speech Bubble (now I realize it's probably a sound company or something) would come up, and we thought that meant that we could talk to the television charactors while that symbol was up. We would say things like 'Bubbles, you're my favourite!'

We still joke about this from time to time.

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When I was younger I used to think Batman was evil (because of his Black suit and monotone voice) and I thought he was holding Robin hostage (for some reason) so I would always shout at the TV. My parents got a few laughs out of this.

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When I was 3 or 4 I thought that my dad was Mr. Dress-up (a Canadian children's entertainer) because they looked somewhat similar. I thought that when he went to work that he was going to the tv station and my proof was that he was on the tv right after he left the house each morning.

I also believed that if I whispered into the headphone jack on the tv that whoever was on the screen could hear my voice coming out of no where...

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When there was no TV show scheduled for a specific time the listings would say, "To Be Announced." I always thought that this was the name of a show and for some reason assumed is was a religious program so I always avoided it.

No thanks, I'll just read a book
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My mother was a huge soap fan. At the end of the soap it would say "film in new york city". I thought it was real life and that those people in New York City could see what we were doing in Alabama for an hour every day. I would try really hard during those "daytime" hours not to do anything too embarrassing (like going to poop). Now that I'm an adult I know that people in New York City dont care what we do in Alabama.

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When I was a kid I used to think that if I watched the program "Solid Gold" that the tv would give me solid gold.

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i used to believe that the telly tubbies were real because the rabbits are real!!

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I used to believe when the Transformers song went "More than meets the eye", that those were the names of two of the Transformer characters -- Morethan and The Eye -- and that the show would be about the showdown when Morethan met The Eye.

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I thought that on the show "American Chopper" they built helicopters.

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i used to believe that the actress Ellen Degeneres was actually Ellen The Generous. i used to wonder what she had done to get a name like that, maybe helping sick kids...?

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i used to believe that the people on tv were actually acting right then and there over in that certain spot.i then figured out that they had to record shows and movies then play them.it took me 6-7yrs to realize that.lol

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When I was young I belived that my dentist was Elmo. Even though he didn't talk like elmo.

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I understood the idea of stage names from doing theater work as a kid so it did not surprise me that a character on the Mickey Mouse Club was named Annette Fruity Jello, though I did find the name funny.

Elevator Operator
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I thought the television show "Combat" was a dramatization of the same war that was on the evening news, the Vietnam War.

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