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The host on the old "Howdy Doody" children's show was called "Buffalo Bob." When I first saw the show, I thought his name was "Baklava."

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When I was younger I thought that if someone died on a TV show or movie that they were really dead. So whenever I'd see an actor with a gun, I'd run and hide cause I didn't want to see someone get killed.

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Since I watched soap operas as a child I believed that the characters were real until I was watching a morning talk show and one of the guests was a character on Days of Our Lives that had been shot a few days before. I was so confused, I couldn't figure out how he came back to life.

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My sister once told me that Worzel Gummidge from the TV show was going to come and get me when I was asleep! I scared myself for ages!

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I used to believe that every show was done after the introduction...(when the commercial came on right after). Everytime after the commercial, I'd clap and change the channel. All my friends would ask me if I saw friends last night, and I'd always reply, in a sacastic way "well they all sang the song and sat on the couch again. How could you like that show??" I liked the simpsons more, because part of the introduction changed everytime!!

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I used to (and still) watch Cops. I always thought they were filming it Live and wondered how did the know how to bleep out bad language and censor there faces. I had the same question for the Jerry Springer Show too...

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I used to believe that the characters in soap-opera were real, and that all the things that hapenned to them were also real.

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Watching I Love Lucy when I was 3 or so I can remember when Lucy was about to get caught for her antics by her husband, I would run around in circles in the Livingroom terrified that Ricky would be really mad. I still feel that anxiety!

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There was a BBC TV show for kids called The Wombles about these pretend creatures that live on Wimbledon Common and recycle and tidy up rubbish. One of them was called Uncle Bulgaria and so I thought that a womble must be a subspecies of badger that in reality lived in Bulgaria. I was really into nature as a child and knew that no real animal wore clothes and so I thought that they lived underground in Bulgaria. I never knew where Bulgaria was until I was older but I thought that it was mountain and deserts. In the desert, they would eat worms and insects. In mountains, they supplemented their diets with berries and grains. I don’t know why but as a child, I thought Bulgaria was like an African country and that wombles scavenged anything from human settlements. I eventually realized a womble was purely pretend and has no basis on real-life animals. =)

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When I was little I watched Mac Guyver all the time. One time I thought I could repel out of the second story bedroom window and down the front of the house. My only problem was that I didnt know how to tie knots as well as Mac Guyver did. Thank goodness for shrubbery.

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I used to believe that Quincy was a really bad doctor because all of his patients died.

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When I was a little kid, I used to believe that when TV shows went "off the air," that meant that the characters from the TV show were going away on an airplane and never coming back! It made sense to me at the time...

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My parents used to watch the show "Dallas" and I watched it with them when I was bored. And due to the accents people have here, they hardly ever pronounce the "R" in anything, so I thought the character "Bobby" (or however his name is spelt) in Dallas was called Barbie.

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When I was young I never used to understand why the couple in Blind Date would go off and come back five minutes later having been on holiday looking completely different- sometimes with different hair colour or skin colour... (for those who don't watch the show of course it turned out they'd disappear behind the doors and the couple who were sent off the week before would come back and tell everyone how they got on!!!)

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I use to beleive that on Mr. Roger's when he refered to the neighborhood of "make-belief", he was actually saying the neighborhood of "maple-leaf". I thought that the king and all of the charecters lived in Canada

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I used to think that the cars won on 'Wheel Of Fortune' were only borrowed by the contestants, who got to drive them home, but then had to drive them back to the next contestant could win it. (back then, all cars looked the same to me)

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That all t.v. shows were perfomed live

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I used to believe that the "maury" logo was just 3 lines instead of a letter m, since the m was usually the same color as the background and I only saw the lines in the negative space.

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I thought exterminators were Daleks.

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I used to think True Crime was a documentary TV show and not a genre

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