i used to believe

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I was utterly convinced the Wombles really existed and whenever we went to Wimbledon Common (which was quite alot) I would try and force my entire family to search for them. I found a number of things but sadly I never found a real Womble.

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When I was 12 my older sister told me how cool and funny Monty Python's Flying Circus was so when I had the chance i turned it on and for some bizarre reason there was actually a circus on the channel instead. For about 5 years I assumed she meant the circus. I could never figure out what the big deal was. You can imagine what a suprise "The Life of Brian" was to me.

commuter guy
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i believed that if i didnt do my homework or if i had done something bad that Bill Bixby was going to come to my house and change into the Incredible Hulk and hunt me down...i had nightmares about the Hulk when i went to bed escaping punishment..and after waking up in a cold sweat i would wake up and do my homework or confess to my folks what i did before i could go to sleep again... i still cant watch the TV show, i get nervous watching just about anything with Bill Bixby or Lou Ferrigno in it...and just forget about seeing the Movie for the Hulk coming out next year...

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My dad used to wear blue jeans and a straw hat. I used to belive that my dad was really Smokey the Bear.

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When i was a child my cousin told me that i would be going onto crackerjack, the kids programme, i believed her and trained hard, after 6 months she asked what i was practicing for i told her crackerjack, oh she said i forgot about that, i was only winding you up. Very funny, thanks deb.

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I believed that an apartment building up the street from us was where they filmed the Mickey Mouse Club TV show. (It was VERY tall to a 6 year old...maybe 6 stories.)I didn't realize that the TV station was showing 15-20 year old re-runs of the show. I was convinced they were filming 4 blocks from my house and kept trying to convince my mom to take me there so i could be on the show.

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I thought that the women in Prisoner CBH were actual prisoners, until I saw a repeat of The Young Doctors where Maggie Gordon looked like Julie Egbert. Mum told me that the same actress (Jackie Woodburne now plays Susan Kennedy in Neighbours)

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When I was 5 or 6, I used to believe that I would grow up and marry Bobby Vinton. I would faithfully watch his TV show every week. And, when my parent's would try to tell me that it just wasn't a possibility...I would get hysterical and fight tooth and nail with them. To this day, I own every recording he has every made.

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Remember Buck Rogers?? There was a character who could take his head off and set it on a table. I tried for days to take my head off and couldn't understand why he could do it so easily and I couldn't...granted I was only 3 yrs. old.

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I always used to believe that the bodysnatchers could come out of your cupboard and take you away. I'd always sleep watching the cupboard, so that I'd spot them coming. That is, until one day I saw an episode of "Ghostbusters" where they managed to trap the boogeymen so they couldn't steal anymore children. I slept well after that...

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Here's a bizarre one for you:

When I was 10 my mom used to watch a lot of vintage Nick at Nite shows, so I grew up watching the 50's "Adventures of Superman" TV series. I really had a crush on the actor that played Superman. I used to imagine that he would come visit me at night and bring me presents and tell me he was going to take me away to his Fortress of Solitude and marry me. I was very devastated later when I found that George Reeves (said actor) had committed suicide.

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When i was about 4 or 5 years old, i watched the original 1970's version of the planet of the apes.i then started to have nightmares about the monkeys and that they would come through our letterbox in our door and chase me upstairs and attack me while i was in my bedroom.Very wierd i know and i still have the same dream now and again

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I believed that Miss Sally on Romper Room really had a magic mirror and could see the children watching her show. I never really forgave her for saying my brother's name and NEVER saying mine.

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When I was little, I used to watch a show called "Square One", a scetch show teaching about math. One of the segments was a Pacman parody called "Math Man", where this little guy consisting of a football helmet and legs would have to gobble up numbers that fit into a certain equasion or something, and if he got it wrong, he'd be eaten by this tornado-thing with eyes and a mouth called The Glitch. I used to think the Glitch was real, and was out there waiting to eat me because I wasn't good at math.

Flinx the Weasel
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When i was younger, I used to believe that Doctor Who was real, and I was a timelady.
I also used to believe if i was bad the Daleks would come and exterminate me, so i was always good!

Still mad on doctor who
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On Blue's Clue's, whenever there was a clue, the host, Steve, never saw it at first. So some kids would have to yell "A clue! A Clue!" and yell other things throughout the show. Well, when I was a kid, I thought that yelling directly into the TV's speakers could enable kids all around the world to hear me.

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I used to beleive that a "Soap Opera" was actually "Soap Oprah," and that it was like watching Oprah, but with more soap.

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When i was about 5 - 8 i though the Power Rangers Existed!!

Got Dissapointed

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When I was twelve, the only exposure to the word "academy" I had was a place called the Vulcan Science Academy, from Star Trek.

So when my dad said that he and his band were going to play at "the academy", I was taken aback and thought, "So the Vulcan Science Academy is real?!".

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When I was a child I used to believe that movies and series were real.

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