i used to believe

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When I was young I belived that my dentist was Elmo. Even though he didn't talk like elmo.

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For some reason, I used to believe that the show X-Files was about people who put Xs on files, and animals come out of them.

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I had a bunch of misconceptions when it came to Wheel of Fortune. When I was really little, I thought Vanna White was a robot because she never talked (I guess I always missed the end segments). Once I figured out she was a real person, I thought she and Pat Sajak were married (I believed this for years). I also believed that the center of the wheel was filled with green slime like on Nickelodeon.

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When I was younger, when watching TV, I used to think that the laughing that happens after a joke was the laughter of the other people watching the show from their own living rooms. I used to try to talk to my cousins or friends if I knew they'd be watching the same show.

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When I was a kid in the 60's, we'd watch the Ed Sullivan Show. I remember being really confused because in the beginning, they'd say "Life from New York...The Ed Sullivan Show." Then at the end they'd say, "This show has been pre-recorded." When I pointed it out to my dad, he roared with laughter.

old lady
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just like anon i used to believe that bat man was evil and holding robin hostage.

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One of my earliest memories of a TV personality (on par with Mister Rogers, in my three-year-old estimation) was of a Chinese chef named Dan. He wore aprons with funny slogans on them, and his TV show was called 'Wok With Dan'. My mother once even took me to sit in the studio audience and watch his show being taped.

Years later, I saw another Chinese cooking show with a different title and a chef named Martin Yan, and I thought Martin was Dan's older brother. Fortunately it didn't take very long for me to figure out that the other show had not been called Wok With Dan, and that it was actually the same guy. (I was a little white girl from farm country in Canada, and I'd never met anyone named Yan. It was an easy mistake.)

So I'm a lifelong fan. If I'm home on a Sunday I still watch Martin Yan's Chinatowns while I eat lunch.

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Thanks to The Muppets, I used to believe that Dr. Watson really was a dog in the Sherlock Holmes stories. Years later I was very confused at first when I started reading one of them.

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When you here studio audiences reacting to things, I used to think this was other people at home watching. I also thought that if I laughed loud enough or shouted things, they'd be able to hear me!!

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For years my Brother thought Hi-Di-Hi was set in the present day rather than the 1960s.

He also though it was illegal for someone to be on 2 different television channels at the same time.

Richard Davies
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I used to think Squidward was called Baldo because he was bald

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My mother used to watch General Hospital when I was a kid. There was one character who went to the nut house. A while later the character came back but was played by a different actress. I used to think that people who went to mental institutions came back as totally different looking people.

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When I was 5 or 6 I would get up really early to watch Monty Python's Flying Circus. I would watch and get very ticked that there were no clowns or elephants doing tricks. (Or was there)

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When it first came out, I made my brother believe that "The Sopranos" was about our family because we're Italian and they always told us my great-great-great-grandfather was a mob guy.

I also told him our dad worked in "The West Wing." (it's very fun having brothers much more young and naive than you.) So whenever my dad goes on a business trip, my brother says, "Say hi to Donna (whom he has the biggest crush on) for me!" My dad still hasn't figured it out, and neither has my brother.

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When I was very little I used to have a recurring nightmare about Jimmy Saville. In my dreams he was called the tickling man and he used to chase me and try to tickle me ( i hated being tickled) dressed in red dungarees and a yellow t-shirt, laughing in a deranged manner.

understandably i used to cry hysterically and hide whenever hhe appeared on the tv.

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when i was little i liked the t.v. show Jeapordy, i only liked it because of the music. so i thought the name of the show was bee de dee, so i went aruond the house asking my mom when bee de dee was on

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I remember crying every time the show, Lassie went off because I thought the credits hurt her (Lassie), and the whistling music made it even worse.

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I used to believe that the laugh tracks on sitcoms were actual people watching the show in their own houses, so i used to laugh really loud so they could hear me too.

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I used to belive Ellen DiGenerous and Martha Stewart were the same person!

I also though Ellem DiGenerous was Ellen THE generous, because she gave gifts and so was "gererous"

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