i used to believe

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When I was 5 or 6 I thought Matt Dillon (Gunsmoke)shot a new guy every week. I decided I didn't want to be an actor if I might get shot by Matt Dillon.
It just seemed a high price to pay for fame.

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I used to believe that you can ride on your bed and fly to a dream land, like in the Pajanimals.

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When I was a kid, I thought that the shows on TV were real life people, and that there was a camera all aound my family that other families watched.

Popats' 4
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On the tv show blind date they used to have a part of the floor close to the audience that was black, I thought it was a gaping hole to stop the audience from running onto the stage.

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When I was little, I thought that if you crawled down Mr. Rogers' Trolley tunnel you would actually reach the land of make believe.

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when i was really little there was this TV show with Lee Majors... i'm pretty certain it was The Fall Guy... so in this one episode, him and his sidekick were driving through this desert with bad guys chasing after them... so the sidekick is holding these batteries like hot potatoes and he's throwing these hot batteries out the window at the bad guys... and they were exploding and blowing up the cars that were chasing them!

so i asked my mom if batteries would blow up if you threw them... and for whatever reason she was like "yes, don't ever throw batteries! thats dangerous..." and that was all the proof i needed... i thought for years that batteries were like bombs and would explode if i dropped them or knocked them too hard...

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My friends and I used to pretend we were the girls from "Sailor Moon" and we would watch the show everyday. When we watched it, we would point out the characters and tell each other and our parents that that was us on TV. I was really disappointed when we all yelled "Moon Power" and funky glitter didn't come out of our fingers and disable our enemies!

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When I used to watch the australian soap, "home and away" as I child, I'd have great fun singing along to the theme tune, but I always got confused when the song was drawing to an end and it said,"glosseridge day", I used to wonder what in God's name a Glosseridge day was. I was about 12 when I finally worked out that the words were actually,"closer each day"!

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i thought that all television sitcoms were real with real people and their real lives. i thought everyone had their own tv show and when your tv was turned off was when your show was on for everyone else to see. so whenever my tv was off and i was in just my underwear i'd freak out and run to my room and put my pants on.

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As a little kid, I was very fond of Gumby, and decided that when I grew up, I wanted to be him. I even used to practise that one-footed slide he does on his show (I fell down a lot). No one told me that this wasn't a valid career option until I was 7. =)

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I used to believe that the TV show Leave it to Beaver took place in modern day instead of years ago. I couldn't understand why they wore such goofy clothes. And if the family lived in such a huge house, why did the two brothers share a bedroom? And why were they so afraid of their father? He didn't look scary to me, and he never yelled at them.

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i used to believe that the bubbles on the laurence welk show came out of the people's instruments

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When my mom said she was going to watch her soaps, I thought she was going to watch a show about a bar of soap. I learned otherwise when she watched her soaps and I had nothing better to do.

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I thought that Father Guido Sarduche, from SNL, was an actual priest, up until I was in my 30's! So embarrassing.

me again
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I used to think the wombles song "Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we" referred to their social positioning, as in they weren't posh. Actually I didn't put 2 and 2 together until I moved to London and visited Wimbledon Common.

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i used to believe that the official start of the weekend was when Miami Vice came on Friday Nights at 10...after that it was "really" the weekend.

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When I was really little I used to wonder if my life was part of a TV show that someone else was watching. As I got older we would go on vacation. By the time we got back to the hotel it would always be late. They didn't have movie channels back then so the only thing on TV was the news. I always thought that my home town was the only place in the world that had regular TV shows. I hated vacations because of that.

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I used to think that Sesame Street was filmed in a woodsy area of my neighbor's backyard.

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I thought "To Be Announced" was a TV show, because it was sometimes listed in TV Guide.

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My ex-husband told me that when he was younger he used to go into the cupboard in the corner of his bedroom and wait for the "shopkeeper" to come and provide him with an outfit, just like Mr Ben. Surprisingly this never happened :-)

Lynne S
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