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I used to think that it was soooo cool that the first person in line on Wheel of Fortune was always, coincidentally, the person that got to play the game first. It wasn't until I was in my late teens when I figured out that they flipped a coin before the game, and arranged the people in the right order!!!

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I used to think that Bruce Wayne in the Batman series was filipino (im filipino) because of his black hair and tan skin. this was when i was 4 to 5

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I used to think that soap operas were the real lives of the people on the other side of the world, and that there were hidden cameras taping me for them to watch!

Crystal Shaffer
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When I was a kid I used to think that if I watched the program "Solid Gold" that the tv would give me solid gold.

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When I was a kid, I used to think that the girl on "Adventures In Wonderland" really did go through a real mirror to get to Adverture Land.

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I used to think soap operas, or TV dramas, were real life stories.

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There was a cartoon on "Sesame Street" about a bellhop who had to carry 8 steamer trunks down 8 flights of stairs. I've seen this 'toon enough times on YouTube to know that I misinterpreted it badly as a kid, and as a result I used to be scared of it. I used to believe that as he was carrying the trunks (which I mistook for just being mere suitcases), he was falling down the stairs only to a certain floor (the 6th, maybe), and that there was an elevator next to the stairs on that floor that he tried using, only to find out that the elevator didn't work and he fell down the shaft, floor by floor (with each floor labeled a different number.) There was really no elevator and no elevator shaft he fell down, but somehow I didn't think this as a kid.

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I used to be very disturbed by the TV show Murder She wrote because I was conviced Jessica Fletcher (Angela Landsbury) was the one killing all the people and pinning it on other people. People were always dying when she was around. Why was I the only one noticing that?!?

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I though when someone was shot on a TV show they really died.

Rob C
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Watching the show "Real People" when I was about 3 or 4, I thought that show was the only one where the images were actual people--and all the rest were cartoons or puppets.

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When I was about 6 or 7 till i was 11. I thought that TV shows were played out in my carpeting.I didn't get how if thew show was filmed in my carpet how the people got rid of the carpet, I spent a lot of time looking for the spot on the carpet that was a tv st and looking for the people

Freddy K
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I used to believe that all of my little boy-friends would grow up to look like Pat Sajak, and all of my little girl-friends (myself included) would look like Vanna White. I hate that show now...

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I understood the idea of stage names from doing theater work as a kid so it did not surprise me that a character on the Mickey Mouse Club was named Annette Fruity Jello, though I did find the name funny.

Elevator Operator
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Airwolf: I believed there really was a guy with a dog that looked up women's skirts flying a top-secret combat copter at mach-1 to protect us from the badguys.
The Dukes of Hazzard: I believed that an orange '69 Dodge Charger with a Rebel flag and "01" on the doors could fly and that cop cars were built to fall apart easily. I also believed that a scroungy mechanic could fix anything.
The A-Team: I believed that a little insanity could actually bend the rules of reality and make imaginary friend real (hey, it worked for Murdock!).
Knight Rider: That computers could fit inside cars and make them drive themselves, that black cars can fly, and that black paint can make anything bulletproof.
You Can't Do That On Television: I believed that it wasn't uncommon for parents to put their kids back in diapers (this was a fear exploited by my parents to ensure that I behaved, so's I wouldn't be made to wear diapers again).

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There used to be a channel called TechTV. On it, they had a show called "The Screen Savers". I used to think that it was a show where they showed Screen Savers which are those little videos that play when you walk away from your computer. As soon as I watched it I realized it was a show about computers.

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I used to believe EVERYTHING I watched on Nova and In Search Of. I would try to research things and I took notes on all the shows. I knew that one day I would discover exactly how internal combustion worked and save people from burning up!

Jennifer Camille
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When I was little, I didn't know the difference between "cash" and "change". So I used to wonder, when people won money on game shows, how the contestants got thousands of dollars in quarters home.

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I used to watch Saturday Night Live and thought that they hired really crappy, unknown bands to play. Eventually, I realized that they were re-runs and the crappy, unknown bands were actually really famous back int he day.

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I used to believe that the wolf or whatever in the 'Road Runner Show' would one day catch the bird.So saddened that with all these years of trying he still hasn't.

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Recently I was watching reruns of 'Let's Make a Deal' (hosted by Monty Hall) with my sister, and she said, "When I was little I thought his name was Monty Python".

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